Alert! Hypertension During Pregnancy Can Trigger The Birth of Stunted Children

Stunting is a condition of failure to grow during the 1000 days of a child’s life. This is due to the fact that the nutrients in that phase are not fulfilled. So that it has an impact on the physical condition of children who are stunted or short compared to their peers. The factor causing stunting is actually not only nutrition. But there are many factors that cause stunting starting from young women, brides-to-be, pregnant women, until the child is born up to 1000 days of life.

Also Read: Worms in Children Can Cause Stunting
Source: Unsplash

During pregnancy, a mother will pay attention to all the nutrients she consumes. The goal is that the child who is born is good without any shortcomings. However, there are also pregnant women who have a history of diseases, one of which is hypertension. It turns out that in a study showed that pregnant women with hypertensive conditions are prone to give birth to stunted children. How is this explained? Check it out in the following brief review of the article.

Also Read: Do You Children Like to Choose Food? Caution Can Impact Stunting 

Knowing Hypertension and Its Causes With Stunting

Hypertension is a condition in which blood pressure is high or the occurrence of blood circulation to the walls of arteries in the body. A person who has hypertension, blood pressure will be pumped more and more by the heart so that the blood vessels in the arteries narrow. Hypertension can be noticed by regularly conducting blood tests. Normal blood pressure shows a figure of 95/60 mmHg to 135/80 mmHg. Hypertensive conditions are caused by many factors, including:

Source: Unsplash
  1. Consume a lot of foods high in salt
  2. Overweight or obesity
  3. Hereditary factors
  4. Lack of consumption of fruits and vegetables
  5. Rarely exercise
  6. Consume a lot of foods and drinks that contain caffeine
  7. Frequent stress

Meanwhile, hypertension during pregnancy turns out to be a risk of giving birth to children with stunting conditions. Stunting itself we know is a malnutrition condition that occurs in the first 1000 days of life which causes his body condition to be shorter than that of his peers.

Source: Unsplash

This is because hypertension during pregnancy results in the non-development of trophoblast cells located in the muscle layer of the spiral artery and matrix tissue. This layer will remain stiff and hard, causing the arteries to undergo vasoconstriction. This later the uteroplacental blood flow decreases and inhibits the growth of the fetus. If this is allowed, it will result in impaired placental function. Causing insufficient fetal nutritional intake and low birth weight (BBLR) or fatality can have an impact on stunted children born.

Therefore, pregnant women need to pay attention to nutritional intake and maintain normal blood pressure. This is necessary to prevent stunting in children who have been born later.

Also Read: Here are the Types of Anthropometric Measuring Instruments and Their Functions

Prevent Stunting With anthropometry Kit SOLO ABADI

Not only does it provide adequate and nutritious nutrition, but the incidence of stunting in children in the first 1000 days of life can also be detected through periodic measurements. These measurements include height, weight, head circumference (LILA) arm circumference. Therefore, an accurate measuring instrument is needed to support stunting detection, namely an Anthropometry Kit.

Anthropometry Package From PT Solo Abadi Indonesia

Our shipping from PT Solo Abadi Indonesia is a domestic anthropometric kit manufacturer that has been certified by TKDN and AKD. We provide anthropometric kit packages in the form of:

  1. Stadiometer (Height Meter)
  2. Infantometer Board (Baby Length Gauge)
  3. Portable Infantometer (Premium Baby Length Meter)
  4. Head Circumference Arm Circumference measuring instrument (LILA)
  5. Mother and Child Bluetooth Digital Scales
  6. Exclusive Anthropometric Bag

For those of you who are interested in our Anthropometry Kit package, just fill out ASK FOR PRICE for the offer. If you also need an Anthropometry Kit for procurement, just visit our E-Catalog portal. You can also consult with us at the WhatsApp number 0812-2652-0205. Get the latest information from us in

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