Somatometry, Mostly Used in Forensic Anthropology

Forensic Anthropology is an anatomy-based study of the human body supported by Anthropometry and Somatometry. Somatometry is a systematic technique for taking measurements in humans, including measurements of the face and head area.

Referring to this definition, Somatometry is an important part of Anthropometry. Both are disciplines that are technically applied in Forensic Anthropology. Check out the following info to get to know Somatometry, Anthropometry and its application in Forensic Anthropology!

Relativity Somatometry, Anthropometry and Forensic Anthropology

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Every human being in all parts of the world, bound in the same species, namely Homo sapiens. However, none of the individuals have exactly the same size, even identical twins have differences in certain aspects. This difference then gave birth to various disciplines, including Somatometry, Anthropometry and Forensic Anthropology.

Human variability is identified through data generated from anthropometric measurements. Anthropometric measurements are conducted to measure the anatomy of the human body. This anatomy is then classified through Somatometric measurements.

Read More :  Forensic Anthropometry Identification in Criminal Case 

The Function of Somatometry in the Classification of Human Racial

In fact, anthropometric measurements are here to measure the anatomy of the human body. This data is then classified through Somatometry. Somatometry measurements refers to the geographical location where the measurements are made. This is because each region has its own standard of measurement. This standard was formed based on the variability in the anatomy of the human body.

Each classified measurement requires a complete anthropometric instrument. In practice, specific Somatometric measurements are carried out, such as in one case the object of measurement is asked to sit and in another case, the object of measurement is required to stand. In ‘paired measurement‘ or measurements on paired objects, Somatometry measurements are mostly carried out on the left object. This is done because the left measurement object is less likely to be affected by occupational deformity or dislocation, changes due to heavy work. However, in other cases, measurements on both objects are carried out to determine bilateral asymmetry or differences between objects.

The variability of the data obtained is then classified for the sake of Forensic Anthropology, especially for racial classification. In addition, the correlation between the shape and function of various parts of the human body can also be studied through somatometric measurements. Changes in morphological metrics or population characteristics are also one of the functions of somatometry in Forensic Anthropology. This information will later form anthropometric standards for each region in the world.

Somatometry Measurement Dimensions for Forensic Anthropology

Based on the explanation above, Somatometry requires a complete and precise measuring instrument to determine data which will then become an anthropometric standard based on geography. According to Biswajit Kumar Singh, Assistant Professor Department of Anthropology Margherita College in his work “Somatometry”, Somatrometry is performed on the following body dimensions with the required measuring instruments :

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Anthropometric Measurement Tool for Forensic Anthropology

In accordance with the data presented by Biswajit Kumar Singh, Somatometric measurements requires Spreading Caliper, Sliding Caliper, Anthropometer, Step Scales and Tape Measure. PT Solo Abadi Indonesia presents innovations in anthropometric or somatometric measurements for the sake of forensic anthropology in one instrument.

1. Portable Anthropometry

The instrument used in Somatometric measurements for Forensic Anthropology is Portable Anthropometry. Portable Anthropometry is the most complete anthropometric instrument, with Sliding Caliper, Anthropometer, Branches Measurement Curves, Small Spreading Caliper and Large Spreading Caliper in one exclusive box.

In addition, Portable Anthropometry can measure more than 100 instruments, in sitting and standing positions to measure every dimension of the human body, including the face.

2. Tape Measurement and Weight Scale

Metrisis Tape Measurement
METRISIS Weight Scale

PT Solo Abadi Indonesia is the largest anthropometric manufacturer in Indonesia. We produce measuring tapes to digital scales for the benefit of various disciplines. Both have gone through various quality control processes to calibration tests. Both have also been certified as domestic products with a Domestic Component Level (TKDN) certificate.

For further information please contact us at or WhatsApp, 08510888111

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