Anthropometric Laboratory Measurement Tools for Medical Anatomy Practicum

Anthropometry is a science that is widely used in various branches of science, one of which is in medical science. In order to become a doctor who is an expert in the field of health, intensive education is needed which is not easy. In a series of medical education there is the term practicum, practicum itself is a learning activity in the form of observing experiments or testing in the laboratory. Practicum would not be complete without qualified aid instruments. In this article, we will discuss the best anthropometric laboratory measuring instruments for anatomy practicum in medical education.

Also Read : The Importance of Using Anthropometry in Medical Sciences

What is Anthropometry?

Anthropometry is the study of the dimensions of the human body. The term anthropometry itself is adapted from the ancient Greek language, namely anthro which means human and metri which means measure. The dimensions of the human body in question include bone, muscle and fat tissue.

Anthropometry itself is not only focused on one field, there are several fields that also take advantage of the role of anthropometry. Fields that use anthropometry include architectural design, furniture, tools, cars, textiles, forensics, health and the police academy is no exception.

Anatomy and Anthropometry

In order to know the anthropometry of a person, it is necessary to pay attention to important anatomical points. This is because anthropometric examinations have many functions in health, nutrition, development and growth of a person, so it is important to take measurements properly and with precision, and pay attention to important anatomical points.

Anatomy itself is the study of the structure or composition of the body of living things. The term anatomy itself is taken from the Ancient Greek, namely anatomḗ which means ‘surgery’ and anatémnō which means ‘to cut’.

Also Read : Observing the Role of Anthropometry through the Eyes of Anatomy

The Best Anthropometric Measurement Tool for Medical Education Anatomy Practicum

The results of anthropometric measurements, especially in determining the dimensions of the human body for medical purposes, must be accurate and precise. Therefore, a measuring instrument is needed that supports these accurate results. Here are recommendations of the best measuring tools that can be used :

With the construction material of metal, this anthropometric measuring instrument has a longer service life than other materials. Find out more in the video below!

2. Portable Anthropometry

Metrisis – Portable Anthropometry produced by Solo Abadi Indonesia is an anthropometric measuring instrument derived from the anthropometric chair which is packaged in a portable form, so that the measuring instrument can be moved or carried anywhere easily. Like an innovation, portable anthropometry can be used to measure up to more than 100 dimensions of the human body.

This measuring tool is superior because in its use it prioritizes data accuracy and accuracy. In addition, this portable anthropometry can take measurements of up to 100 measurements. In addition, this tool is packaged in a portable way making this tool can be used anytime and anywhere.

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