Anthropometry Kit is now a must-have tool in every puskesmas in Indonesia. The reason is that this was urged by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Namely Mr. Joko Widodo when discussing the prevalence of stunting in early 2023. Mr. President ordered the Minister of Health to meet the need for anthropometric kits in every posyandu and puskesmas.
In encouraging the achievement of a golden Indonesia in 2024, President Joko Widodo emphasized that the reduction in the domestic stunting rate is below 14%. For this reason, the need for anthropometric kits is very necessary for stunting prevention. So, why is an anthropometry kit mandatory in every health center? Let’s find out more here!
The Existence of Anthropometry Kits in Puskesmas
As we know, Indonesia is experiencing chronic nutritional disorders that attack balita which we often call stunting. Stunting is a condition that occurs in the first 1000 days of a child’s life due to malnutrition.
In its indications, stunting can be recognized by the characteristics of children of short stature. With reduced cognitive growth up to 80%. Due to malnutrition, children who are indicated to be stunted will experience slowed growth.
Thus, the presence of anthropometric kits is mandatory in the health center. A total of 313,737 must be in puskesmas which must be fulfilled by 2024. Anthropometry kits are mandatory instruments used in weight measurement, height, and upper arm and head circumference measurements. Therefore, there must be anthropometry in the detection of stunting. The goal is to have the baby’s examination structured accurately and precisely.
Complete Anthropometric Kit Package
An anthropometry kit is an instrument or tool used in the examination of the baby’s body which includes measurements of height, weight, and measurement of the circumference of the upper arms and head. Anthropometry kits are now the most important part that must be in posyandu and puskesmas facilities in collecting data on stunted children. In one complete tool anthropometry kit consists of the:
1. Stadiometer (height gauge)
A height meter or what we often call a stadiometer is an anthropometric kit instrument used for children aged 2 years and over or children who can stand until adulthood. The stadiometer is a pole-like board in a standing position equipped with a foot limiter and a head limiter.
2. Infantometer board (body length gauge)
The baby body length meter or what we often call the infantometer board is one of the anthropometric instrument kits used to measure the body length of babies aged 0-2 years. The tool is in the form of a longboard equipped with a head and leg limiter. How to use it is also easy, the child is stretched on the board in a straight position to take a measure of body length.
3. Body Measuring Tape (LILA)
In monitoring the development of ana’s nutrition, one of the anthropometric instruments that should not be missed is the body measuring tape (LILA). This tool is used to measure parts of the arms and heads of two-year-olds. This tool is shaped like an elongated ribbon that can be rolled to measure the part to an arm of the child.
4. Adult Weight Scales
In monitoring a child’s physical development, another anthropometric instrument kit is an adult scale or a stepping scale. This tool is used to measure the body weight of a child in a standing position. This tool can also be used for adults in weight monitoring.
5. Baby Weight Scales
One of the instruments that should not be missed in anthropometric measurements is the measurement of baby weight using baby scales. This tool is specifically designed for use by toddlers aged 0-2 years. This tool is in the form of a scale equipped with a tray board that the baby uses in the supine position.
Get a Quality Anthropometry Tool Kit in SOLO ABADI!
Now, anthropometry kits have been present in the country, and original products are made in Indonesia. Introduce us is PT Solo Abadi Indonesia a manufacturer of anthropometric kit tools located in Surakarta City, Central Java.
Anthropometry kits from us are made of the best materials in the country. Our anthropometry kits have been used by various health agencies including the Health Office, posyandu, and hospitals throughout Indonesia. Anthropometry kits from us have been equipped with TKDN, AKD, and original domestically made certificates.
If you are interested in our domestically made anthropometry kit, please contact our WhatsApp admin directly. Also get anthropometry kits from us through the government marketplace, namely E-Katalog. Always get the best price offer from us. You can get the latest information from us through
Read More: Tutorial on Using the Right Anthropometry Kit, Here’s the Complete Video!