ILP stands for integration of primary services at the village or sub-district level. In its implementation, it is known as ILP posyandu. Posyandu itself is an integrated service post located at the village level as the first health facility for the community, especially mothers and children. Actually, what is ILP posyandu? And what is the 5-step ILP posyandu mean? Here’s the full article!

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ILP Posyandu
In bringing primary health services closer, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia established posyandu at the village or sub-district level to reach health in the community. One of the services that is put forward is through the integration of primary services abbreviated as ILP. This aims to maximize the role of posyandu through prevention and health care, especially for pregnant women and toddlers.
Primary Service Integration or ILP is a manifestation of health transformation in supporting the fulfillment of needs at posyandu. Also to improve the quality of public health by keeping people healthy. Thus, posyandu has an important role in public health. In the past, posyandu functioned to serve the health of pregnant women and toddlers only, but now it also serves the life cycle from toddlers aged 0 to the elderly.
In the implementation of ILP, posyandu is known as the term 5 steps. What are the 5 steps? Here are the details!
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5 Steps of ILP Posyandu
1. Registration
The first step in the implementation of ILP posyandu is registration. Registration is the first step for mothers and toddlers who come to the posyandu. This step includes administrative needs, such as filling out forms, the identity of toddlers, and health history records. This step aims to obtain and match the information data of each posyandu visitor. Every visitor who comes to the posyandu is required to bring KIA books, family planning books, and child immunization books.
2. Weighing and Measurement
After completing the registration form, the mother will be directed to the weighing and measurement steps. Here, mothers and toddlers go through the stages of weighing weight, measuring height, and baby body length, to measuring the circumference of the upper arm and head. The equipment used for measurement must also be present in every posyandu activity. These tools are such as adult scales, baby scales, infantometer boards, stadiometers, and LILA.

The purpose of weighing and measuring is to determine the status of the development and nutritional growth of toddlers. Also to detect stunting conditions in children. In its implementation, posyandu cadres will measure and weigh toddlers, pregnant women, and the elderly.
3. Recording of Weighing and Measurement Results
After weighing and measuring, the results or measurement figures will be recorded by posyandu cadres. This step is to provide accurate information related to the child’s growth and development chart. As well as making it easier for posyandu cadres to provide health services. This record is written in the KIA book which includes weight, height, the size of the upper arm, and head circumference.
4. Counseling and Nutrition Services
The next step in ILP posyandu activities is counseling and nutrition services for toddlers. Nutrition services are carried out by health center officers who are in charge of implementing posyandu. Considering that toddlerhood is a golden period of growth that must be considered. Because providing the wrong nutrition can also affect its growth. Examples of nutrition suggested by the Ministry of Health are as follows:
- Carbohydrates that include rice as an energy source.
- Animal protein as a daily complementary food such as eggs, beef, chicken, fish, and processed milk.
- Plant-based proteins include peanut butter, kidney beans, tofu and tempeh, corn, mushrooms, and mung beans.
- Vegetables are used to provide a good source of vitamins and minerals for the growth and development of children.
- Fruits are also used as a source of vitamins in the growth process.
5. Health Services, Vitamin Administration, and Immunization
In addition to nutrition services, the next steps for ILP posyandu are health services, vitamin provision, and immunization. This is done to support the growth and development of toddlers, as well as to form immunity so that they are not susceptible to diseases during their growth period. At the posyandu, the provision of vitamins and immunizations includes:
- Vitamin BCG to prevent tuberculosis.
- Vitamin DPT to prevent diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus.
- Polio to prevent paralysis.
- Hepatitis B to prevent hepatitis.
Providing Anthropometric Kits for the Implementation of ILP Posyandu Toddlers
In supporting standardized and accurate equipment when taking measurements, an Anthropometric Kit is required. The Anthropometric Kit is a set of measurement equipment that includes measuring height, weight, and body length, to measure the circumference of the upper arm and head. The following is a recommendation for the Anthropometric Equipment Kit recommended by the Ministry of Health the Metrisis Anthropometric Kit from PT Solo Abadi Indonesia. A complete set of Anthropometric Kits contains:

- Stadiometer or height measuring device
- Infantometer board or baby body length measuring device
- LILA or upper arm circumference and head
- Digital weight scale
- Digital baby weight scale
- Anthropometric storage bag kit
Get a set of this Anthropometric Kit by contacting our Admin via WhatsApp. Also available in the government E-Catalog. You can also fill in the ASK FOR PRICE link to ask for prices and shipping costs. Stay up to date on