To improve maternal and child health services at the first health facility level of puskesmas. The government through the Ministry of Health established the Integrated Management of Sick Toddlers (MTBS). MTBS is one of WHO’s programs called Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (MCI). The program focuses on the health of sick toddlers. So what exactly is called MTBS? And what is its purpose and function? More explanation of the following article!

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Definition of Integrated Management of Sick Toddlers (MTBS)
Integrated Management of Sick Toddlers (MTBS) is an integrated management approach to accompanying sick toddlers. This assistance is categorized in several ways, including checking nutritional status, disease, and immunization status, to handling sick toddlers.
This MTBS focuses on children under the age of 0-5 years who are divided into two target groups, namely the age of 1 day to 2 months and the age of 2 months to 5 years. Diseases that attack toddlers such as pneumonia, diarrhea, measles, to malaria can be handled outpatient at the health center. Treatment through the provision of vitamin A, complementary feeding, to intensive treatment.
Objectives of Integrated Management of Sick Toddlers (MTBS)
The purpose of establishing the Integrated Management of Sick Toddlers at the puskesmas level is to reduce morbidity rates to maternal and infant mortality. As well as this program also aims to improve the quality of health services in Puskesmas. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) the MTBS program is very suitable to be applied to developing countries and has been proven to:
- Lower under-five mortality
- Improve nutritional status
- Improve health service utilization
- Improve the performance of health workers
- Improve service quality at a lower cost

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Functions of Integrated Management of Sick Toddlers (MTBS)
With this MTBS program, high maternal and infant mortality rates can be reduced. The steps of the MTBS program include assessment, disease classification, action identification, treatment, counseling, and home care. The classification is also classified against the degree of disease severity with chart information. Each chart will have a different color caption to determine the handling of toddler care.
Meanwhile, with this MTBS, it can be functioned as follows:
- Improve the skills of health workers in handling and examining sick toddlers.
- Health services can be integrated in 1 examination.
- Improve family and community practices in the care and relief of cases of sick toddlers through the empowerment of health services.

The following is an overview of handling sick toddlers with the MTBS approach. First, a sick toddler is handled by health workers at the health center. Furthermore, health workers will ask the parents/guardians of toddlers regarding complaints and symptoms of diseases felt by toddlers. After that, the officer will classify the child’s symptoms. Furthermore, the officer will provide treatment and treatment, even referral to the relevant doctor to get further treatment.
Recommended MCH Supporting Equipment in MTBS Room
To maximize services in the MTBS Room, supporting equipment is needed so that examinations on sick toddlers can be handled optimally. The following tools support health facilities in the puskesmas optimally, including:
- Checkable
- Check bed
- Action table
- Digital scales
- Sphygmomanometer
- Gynecological table
- Fetal doppler
- Infusion pole
- Check light

In addition to MCH equipment, the set is also supported by anthropometric kits, in the physical examination of MTBS. One anthropometry kit package consists of:
- Height measuring instrument (stadiometer)
- Body length measuring instrument (infantometer board)
- Upper arm and head circumference measuring instrument (LILA)
- Digital weight scale
- Weight gauge for babies (digital weight scale)

If you are looking for supporting equipment for MTBS health facilities at the puskesmas, you can easily work with us, PT Solo Abadi Indonesia. You can easily contact our Admin via WhatsApp regarding price negotiations and shipping fees. You can also visit our E-Catalog storefront. Stay up to date with us at