Discovering Micro Ergonomics, Application of Anthropometry in Companies

This time, we will discuss micro ergonomics. Previously, we have explored the understanding and implementation of macro ergonomics principles in everyday life. These two types of ergonomics implementation have their respective scopes. As the nickname suggests, namely macro and micro, the scope is large or small. Micro ergonomics itself has a narrower scope, limited to …

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Get to Know the Definition and Application of Macro Ergonomics in Everyday Life

Macro ergonomics is one of two types of ergonomics implementation. Ergonomics itself is a familiar term in a number of fields, such as interior design, product design, to industrial engineering. As often explained before, ergonomics has close ties with anthropometry. Without us realizing that the presence of these two sciences is so close in everyday …

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Understand Anthropometry in Interior Design with Ms. Lulu Purwaningrum, S.Sn., M.T., Ph.D

antropometri desain interior

Surakarta, PT Solo Abadi Indonesia – In line with the company’s mission to spread education about the role of anthropometry in various fields, Solo Abadi is again bringing in expert speakers. This time the company reviews the role of anthropometry in interior design by collaborating with Ms. Lulu Purwaningrum. He is an expert in fine …

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Important! Machines That Don’t Fit Worker Anthropometry Can Lower Productivity!

We often encounter a number of machines imported from abroad that are not of ideal size with workers in Indonesia. This is because machines manufactured abroad have been adapted to the characteristics and anthropometric measurements of workers in that country. So that the machine then becomes too high or too low for Indonesian workers to …

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Anthropometric Table Design For Disabled Accessibility

Until now, many schools and universities still have not implemented or provided facilities for students and students with disabilities. They still assume that people with disabilities will not be able to follow the teaching and learning process in class. Even though they want to be treated the same as other students to get equality and …

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