Here Are 6 Types of Anthropometric Measurement Data, Get to Know the Basic Structure of the Athlete’s Body

Anthropometry and its crucial role in various fields are still being used until today. The aim is none other than to support productivity for workers in the industry as well as the endurance of athletes who are competing. Previously, the Solo Abadi editorial team had summarized the role of anthropometry in the field of sports …

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Examining the Anatomy of Running Shoes and Its Relationship with Human Anthropometry

As footwear that serves to protect the soles from being in direct contact with the ground, shoes are not designed carelessly. There is a detailed anatomy or structure in the design of a shoe. This is because the shape and size of the feet of every human being is different. So the editorial team of …

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Types of Anthropometry Measurements

As explained earlier, Anthropometry has an important role in some fields, for example in the field of industrial design, clothing design, ergonomics, and architecture. In these fields, those data information’s about the distribution of body dimensions from a population needed to produce optimal, comfortable and safe to use. In addition, Anthropometry will continue to be …

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