Steelyard Balence VS Digital Baby Scales, Which One Is Effective To Use?

Steelyard Balence or hanging scales still exist in use by posyandu amid the use of digital scales. However, are dacin scales effectively used in posyandu? What is the level of accuracy with digital baby scales? Let’s find out through this short article.

Source: Posyandu Donosari Village, Kebumen Regency

Steelyard Balence VS Digital Baby Scales

Steelyard balence or hanging scales are scales made of iron covered with brass. Dacin scales or in English are called steelyard balances. Dacin scales in their use are hung, then when measuring equipped with a base such as a cloth that can be hung. These dacin scales are used for children aged 0-3 years. If after the age of 3 years and above then use a stepped scale. While digital baby scales are digitally designed scales that are used to measure the weight of babies aged 0-2 years.

Between steelyard balence and digital baby scales have a comparison that can be seen in terms of use, safety, and accuracy of measurements. For this reason, which scales are effectively used in posyandu between dacin scales and digital scales.

1. Aspects of Manufacturing Materials

In terms of manufacturing materials, between dacin scales and digital baby scales, is different. Dacin scales are made of brass material with an average weight of 5 kg. Meanwhile, digital baby scales are made of ABS plastic material with an average weight of 2 kg.

2. Security Level

Judging from the level of safety of use between dacin scales and adult scales, digital baby scales are safer. Because dacin scales have a risk of errors in the installation of the tool because the weight is too large when used for babies. With the use of hung is very prone to use when measuring babies. While the digital scales are made of ABS plastic material light weight and safe to use for babies.

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3. Terms of Use

In terms of usage between dacin scales and digital baby, scales are very different. Dacin scales are used to be hung on poles or boards that are crowed, then equipped with a base that can be hung such as cloth or sarongs. Then, the baby is placed in it the supine position, then the brass on the scales is shifted to start weight measurement.

While digital baby scales are more practical to use is to arrange digital baby scales. Then the baby is placed on the base of the weighing board in the supine position to be further pressed the hold button to get the measurement results.

4. Accuracy Level

Meanwhile, in terms of accuracy between dacin scales and digital baby scales, they have different levels of accuracy. The dacin scales in the measurement are still manual, so the measurement results cannot be ascertained to be accurate. While the digital baby scale in its measurement is equipped with a digital load sensor that automatically produces fast and accurate measurement results.

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Digital Baby Weight Scale

This is the Accurate Digital Baby Scale from Solo Abadi

Here we recommend for you in choosing baby scales for the needs of posyandu in your place. We introduce the Metrisis-Digital Baby Weight Scale a domestically made digital baby scale produced by PT Solo Abadi Indonesia.

Metrisis-Digital Baby Weight Scale has been equipped with a load sensor that can be used accurately in measuring baby weight. Made of the best ABS plastic that is safe and accurate to use in babies.

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Digital Baby Scales Specifications

Get Metrisis-Digital Baby Weight Scale from PT Solo Abadi Indonesia easily via E-Catalog or contact us via WhatsApp. Get the best price offer from us. Also, stay up to date with us at

Official Digital Baby Scales From Solo Abadi Indonesia PT
Read Also: Recognizing the Type of Damage in Error Digital Scales So You Don’t Get Wrong Service
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