Before buying a product there must be doubts, questions such as whether this product will last long or can this product function as it claims? Therefore, it is important for us to study the specifications of a product in order to estimate the functional and rigid aspects of the product. As with products from Solo Abadi, so that there are no doubts, on this occasion we will explain the specifications of the Solo Abadi measuring instrument and its suitability with the criteria from the Ministry of Health.
WHO and Ministry of Health’s Criteria for Measuring Instruments
Anthropometric measuring instrument products from Solo Abadi have met the criteria for medical devices from WHO, as regulated in KMK No. HK.01.07-MENKES-57-2022. The following are the specifications of the measuring instrument written by Prof. Dr. dr. Damayanti Rusli Sjarif, SpA(K) as Team Leader in an audience for domestic scale manufacturers on Tuesday (25/01/2021) according to the WHO (World Health Organization) protocol:
1. Digital baby scale
- Made of strong material
- 10 gram precision
- Can be matched
2. Stepping scales (for ages 2-5 years)
- Made of strong material
- 50 gram precision
- Can be matched
- Scales must be calibrated regularly
3. Infantometer (a baby measuring instrument)
- Pad fit for the baby’s body (the surface has a hollow)
- 1 mm Precision
- The numbers on the lengthboard are clearly legible and the ink doesn’t fade quickly
4. Height measuring tool
- There is a foot pad so you don’t need to install it on the wall
- Precision 1 mm
- Stable base, not easy to sway when stepped on by baby
Product Specification Perpetual Solo Measuring Tool
These criteria have been met by measuring instruments produced by Solo Abadi, so there is no need to doubt the quality and functionality. Here are the specifications of our measuring instrument products :
Digital weighing scale

- Tool for measuring body weight;
- Power source: 2 x 1.5V AAA;
- Material: Tempered Glass;
- Weight : 2 kg;
- 50 – 100 gr precision;
- Features automatic switch on / off;
- Automatic measurement feature stops on the result of weight measurement;
- The measurement results are easy to read.
Infantometer board

- Measuring the length of the child’s body on the back;
- Concave-shaped board that adjusts to the baby’s body so that it is safe and comfortable;
- Measuring capacity : 10 – 110 cm;
- 1mm precision;
- Weight : 2 kg;
- Material: ABS plastic;
- Consists of 4 easy-to-connect section boards;
- There are head and toe markings (icon) from laser marking;
- There is a clearance feature so that the foot limiter does not touch the reading scale when it is shifted;
- The measurement scale of the laser marking so that it is not easy to fade even if cleaned with a wet cloth;
- The measurement scale has been calibrated;
- Already registered with AKD / Infantometer Marketing Permit;
- Original Indonesian Products (PDN).
Portable stadiometer

- Measuring capacity : 10 – 205 cm;
- 1mm precision;
- Weight : 5 kg;
- Construction: stadiometer can be attached and removed into 3 measuring pole pipes (knock-down);
- Materials:
1. Base : Steel finishing Powder Coating
2. Pipe: Anodized aluminum finish
3. Head Slider: Stainless Steel - There is a lock knob and reinforcing elbow on the head restraint;
- There is a locking pipe on the base of the Stadiometer;
- Stadiometer Base with sturdy steel quality;
- The measurement scale of the laser marking so that it is not easy to fade even if cleaned with a wet cloth;
- The measurement scale has been calibrated;
- Already registered with AKD / Stadiometer Marketing Permit;
- Indonesian original product (PDN).
Our products not only pass the Ministry of Health and WHO criteria, the Solo Abadi production measuring instrument has also passed the TKDN test with a high value exceeding the target stated in Article 61 of Government Regulation Number 29 of 2018 concerning Government Procurement of Goods/Services, which is 25%.
Following are the details of the TKDN scores obtained by the Solo Abadi measuring instrument, the Portable Infantometer with 42.55%, the Infantometer Board with a score of 41.5% and the Portable Stadiometer with 69.27%.
Get Anthropometry Kit by Solo Abadi
PT. SOLO ABADI INDONESIA fully supports government policies to reduce stunting prevalence in Indonesia. We provide a variety of baby anthropometry measuring instruments with undoubted domestic quality. We can also provide Anthropometry Kits according to your needs.
The measuring instrument products available in the Anthropometry kit produced by Solo Abadi are Infantometer board, Portable stadiometer, LILA measurement tool, Digital weighing scale and Anthropometry kit product storage bag

Get an anthropometry kit from Solo Abadi by filling out the available ask for price. You can also connect directly through our WhatsApp, because we are ready to contact you immediately.