Stunting is a condition of failure to grow during the first 1000 days of life. This results in children having short stature compared to their peers. Stunting prevention can begin during pregnancy. Because, the provision of nutrients was important at that time. However, some people think that stunting prevention begins at the time the child is born until the age of 2 years. So how to prevent stunting starting from the gestation period? Check it out here in full.

Stunting Prevention Since Pregnancy, Here’s How!
1. Check pregnancy checkups regularly
In the early days of pregnancy, it is often to check the development of the fetus with the doctor. This aims to monitor the growth and development of the fetus so that it is free from stunting. Regular examinations are carried out to detect whether there are developmental disorders in the fetus or not. Mothers can check their pregnancy at the nearest posyandu, the nearest midwife, or an obstetrician.

2. Regularly consume nutritious foods
For the fetus to grow optimally, mothers must also balance it with the fulfillment of nutritious and nutritious food. The occurrence of stunting is influenced by suboptimal nutritional intake from the time the child is in the womb to the age of 2 years. Mothers must balance the intake of protein sources such as vegetables, fruits, vegetable proteins, and animal proteins.

3. Implement clean and healthy living behaviors
The next tip for mothers is to implement clean and healthy living behaviors. Because one of the preventions of stunting is the application of clean and healthy living behaviors. Otherwise, it will have an impact on the development of the fetus. Therefore, get used to living a healthy and clean life, mother!
4. Do not smoke and avoid exposure to cigarette smoke
During pregnancy, mothers should avoid exposure to cigarette smoke and smoking activities. This is because exposure to cigarette smoke can result in the birth of premature babies or babies with low birth weight. In addition, avoiding cigarettes and exposure to cigarette smoke is an effort to prevent stunting. So, mothers at home as much as possible stay away from the dangers of exposure to cigarette smoke.

5. Exercise routine
Doing frequent exercise will make the body fit and healthy. In addition, exercising can increase immunity and immunity from disease. During pregnancy, mothers get used to doing regular exercise every day, yes. Because stamina and body fitness can increase fetal growth and can reduce the risk of stunting. Mothers can do light exercise at home, such as leisurely walks or yoga.

Stunting Detection with the SOLO ABADI Anthropometry Kit!
Indications of stunting in children can be detected by anthropometric measurements through measurements of weight, height, and measurements of the circumference of the upper arms and head. This is done to check the nutritional status of the child.
Anthropometry Kit from PT Solo Abadi Indonesia is the right choice for you in checking indications of stunting in children. Our Anthropometry Kit contains:
- Stadiometer
- Infantometer board (baby body length gauge)
- Body Measuring Tape (LILA)
- Digital adult scales
- Digital baby scales

Our Anthropometry Kit is equipped with TKDN and AKD certificates, also originally made in the country. Made of the best materials. It has been used by various domestic agencies such as posyandu, health offices, and hospitals.
Get the SOLO ABADI Anthropometry Kit here!
You can visit our admins via WhatsApp to get our best anthropometry kit. Or you can also see the specifications of the tool through the government marketplace, namely E-Catalog. Get the best price offer from us by filling out ASK FOR PRICE. Don’t forget to always get the latest information from us at
Read More: 4 Ways to Measure Your Child Anthropometry!