Swiss Aircraft Exporter, Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. Import Anthropometry Chair of Solo Abadi

Surakarta, PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia – Anthropometry is one of the scientific fields applied in the aviation industry. This application aims to improve the effectiveness and ergonometry of various in-flight instruments. This is what Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. is trying to maximize. Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. is an aircraft manufacturing company and the only aviation industry in Switzerland that is an exporter of both civilian and military aircraft.

In October 2020, Pilatus Aircraft Ltd contacted Muhammad Taufan, as Marketing Specialist of PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia through the Website, to purchase the Anthropometry Chair and Portable Anthropometry Complete Set Series. There are several things that Pilatus Aircraft Ltd has confirmed. such as Measurement Accuracy, Evidence of Quality, Credentials in Aviation. PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia then includes a Calibration Test Certificate and a Certificate of Analysis (COA). Apart from these three things, Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. also ensures that the Anthropometry Chair and Portable Anthropometry Complete Set Series can perform the four focuses marked below:

Gambar ini memiliki atribut alt yang kosong; nama filenya adalah Anthropometry-in-Airplane-Design.jpg

In making deliveries abroad, PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia uses multiplex wood which has high durability and is waterproof so that the Anthropometry Chair and the Portable Anthropometry Compelete Set Series can be safely received. However, due to the long journey from Indonesia to Switzerland, several parts of the Portable Anthropometry Compelete Set Series such as the Slide Guide Body of Anthropometer, Base of Anthropometer, Hinge of Small Spreading Caliper and Clamp of Sliding Caliper were damaged. This incident became a major evaluation for PT. Solo Eternal Indonesia. As part of Customer Care, PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia then sent back the new Portable Anthropometry Complete Set Series by replacing the instrument material from PLA Plastic to Aluminum. Quick response PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia was appreciated by Pilatus Aircraft Ltd through a letter sent.

Gambar ini memiliki atribut alt yang kosong; nama filenya adalah Surat-Apresiasi-Pilatus-Aircraft_page-0001-791x1024.jpg

Having an aerospace industry, the Indonesian government should take into account the existence of PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia as the only manufacturer of Anthropometric Measuring Instruments. Considering the world’s two major aviation industries, such as Pilatus Aircraft Ltd, Switzerland and AERO Vodocody, the Czech Republic has used the Anthropometry Chair and Portable Anthropometry Complete Set Series produced by PT. Solo Eternal Indonesia. The use of domestic materials and labor will increase the value of the domestic aerospace industry.

About PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia

PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia is a company located in Surakarta, Central Java. Engaged in manufacturing and is the largest producer of Portable Stadiometer, Infantometer BoardAnthropometry Chair and Stunting Kit in Indonesia, which was established in 2005. Solo Abadi products can be applied in various fields of science such as health, anthropology, forensics, industrial engineering, product design, academia, to the military.

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