Factors That Cause Anthropometric Data Variations

Anthropometric data required for the design of a good working system. As we know, in making measurements there are variables that influence this measurement. For example, in a work environment situation. The physical environment can also affect workers both directly and indirectly. Physical environment are all circumstances that are around the workplace.

Did you know that anthropometric data are grouped in different categories?

If you have read about anthropometric measurements. In measuring with anthropometric chairs, there is a table used to measure the dimensions of the human body. Have you ever wondered why this could happen in such a way, and why is there a table that reads gender, race, body’s position when being measured? In this case, this time we will explain about the factors that cause variations in anthropometric data.

Factors that cause variations in anthropometric data

There are various kinds of factors that affect the dimensions of the human body, including:


The first factor is age. In each person’s measurement, the age of the person must be known. This can happen because basically, every age has different body dimensions. The dimensions of the human body will grow and grow with age as it grows from the beginning of its birth to around 20 years for men and 17 years for women. Whereas there will be shrinkage when you are 50 and above. Especially humans experience 5 phases of growth:

– Toddler

– Child

– Teenagers

– Adult

– Elderly

2. Gender

Besides using age as a variation of data, gender also determines other variations. Basically, the dimensions of the male body size is generally larger than women. Except for certain body parts such as the chest and hip circles. The difference in dimensions between women and men can be said to be quite significant, so it is important to group measurements through gender.

3. Ethnic / Racial

Third, ethnic and racial factors. Every ethnic or ethnic group will have physical characteristics that will differ from one another. For example, Javanese and Papuans have a marked difference in their body size. Where Javanese tend to have short bodies, and Papuans have bigger and taller bodies. Or for example, Indonesians and Europeans have different bodies. Both body posture and skin color. This then determines how the data results are needed.

4. Body Posture and Position

Different body sizes will be affected by the position of the body at the time of going to perform certain activities, namely structural and functional body dimensions. The standard position of the body when performing dynamic movements where the movement must be taken into consideration when anthropometric data is adjusted

Why is it important to use variations of data

The variation of the data above is very influential on the product to be made. We can see this for example, in the case of making office employee chairs.

In the chairs used by office employees, the data taken certainly considers variations in data for example:

1. Ages 20-40 years old
2. Female / Male
3. Javanese
4. The posture used is sitting

the ergonomic position of sitting down
Examples of chair measurements are in accordance with anthropometric variation data

The conditions above are just a simple example. Seats for office employees in Solo must be adjusted to the size of the employee. Because it is impossible for chairs to be made with the size of a teenager In addition, the size of the race used is the Javanese race. While the influence of posture when measurement is done with sitting posture.

This is the reason for the importance of variations in anthropometric data. It is hoped that by using the right data variase, the ECSHE concept (Effective, Comfortable, Safe, Healthy and Efficient) in making products can be achieved well. And to achieve this concept, ergonomics has a very big role. Because in ergonomics human beings are a major part of a system (Human Integrated Design).

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