One of the important functions of workplace design is to make it comfortable for users. For example in the high planning of the work surface. Each position of work by sitting has different characteristics than the position of work by standing. Likewise with work that requires exertion that has different characteristics with jobs that require thoroughness.

One of the job positions with the use of a high work surface is the work desk. The surface of the work desk that is too high will make it easy to get tired, especially on the body of the shoulder muscles. This is because it works with a shrug. But conversely, if the surface of the table is too low, the body will bend so that it will cause fatigue in the spine and neck.
For that the surface of the table for work must be adjusted to ergonomic principles and types of work. In addition, the design of the workplace surface must also be considered and influenced by the dimensions of the user’s body. Why is that? Check out the reviews in this short article.
Determining the Surface Height of the Work System
The determination of the design of the workplace surface is influenced by the dimensions of the user’s body, especially the size of the height. Population design is also influenced by gender factors (male or female). Here are recommendations for workplace surface height for standing operators.
- Meticulous work, men: 109-119, women: 103-113
- Light work, men: 99-109, women: 87-98
- Heavy work, men: 85-101, women: 78-94
Meanwhile, Grandjean (1993) recommends the height of the workplace surface with an average elbow height is 105 cm for men and 98 cm for women. The surface height of the work desk is about 95-100 cm for men and 88-93 cm for women.
This is because the workplace surface for the sitting position has somewhat complicated considerations so that conformity is needed between the height of the workplace surface and the height of the chair used. The short surface of the table will result in the limb’s wiggle room will be disturbed, where the distance between the upper knee and the lower surface of the table will be squeezed.

For that, it is recommended to use a large percentile i.e. the 90th to 99th percentile of the knee height by adding the necessary leeway. Also determined the angle of slope of the worktable surface ranges from 5 degrees to 15 degrees according to needs. The slope of the table surface can provide comfort for its users in activities because it does not shrug.
Anthropometric Chairs as Ergonomic Measurements of Work Surface Height

In determining the height of the work surface, an accurate measurement tool is needed to get the size data adjusted between the design with ergonomic comfort. Human body measurement data can be reached with a single tool using an anthropometric chair. Anthropometric chairs are measurements that can be done by standing, sitting, or measuring the face area. Anthropometric chairs can span 34 measurements of the dimensions of the human body at once.
PT Solo Abadi Indonesia is the largest manufacturer of anthropometric tools in Indonesia that produce anthropometric chairs. Anthropometric chairs from PT Solo Abadi Indonesia have advantages and advantages including:
- Accurate and safe tools in measurement
- Effective and efficient in measurement time
- Can optimize HR because measurement can be done with two people only
- Minimize data errors in measurements
Immediately make an offer to get a quality anthropometric chair from PT Solo Abadi Indonesia. You can directly fill out ASK FOR PRICE or can directly contact us at WhatsApp number. You can also visit us on Instagram and Facebook. For more complete anthropometric seat videos you can go directly to our YouTube account.
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