As many people know, mouse is one of the tools to make it easier to use the computer. The mouse is used to move the cursor by sliding, clicking and rolling the wheel (scroll) to select text, icons, files or folders. Because the mouse is an important tool in work using a computer, it is necessary to consider several aspects of comfort when using it. Let’s take a look at some of the positions for holding the mouse below!

Types Of Emphasis In Holding The Mouse

Technological developments have made some people get used to using computers. Getting used to it, some people have their own characteristics in using it, especially how to hold the mouse. So, from the special features of holding this mouse, we will describe some examples! The explanation regarding the different positions of the mouse press is as follows :
1. Claw Grip
Claw Grip is how to hold the mouse by using a larger focus on the fingertips and part of the palm.
2. Fingertip Grip
Fingertip Grip is how to hold the mouse using a larger focus on the fingertips only.
3. Palm Grip
Palm Grip is how to hold the mouse by using the entire palm of the hand (from the tip of the finger to the base of the palm on the surface of the mouse)
Then from some examples of how to hold the mouse above, the possibility of hand pain can still occur if the design of the mouse itself is not good. Therefore, we must know about Anthropometry in order to understand what designs are suitable for our hands! But before that, let’s learn about what Anthropometry is.
So what is Anthropometry?
Anthropometry comes from “anthro” which means human and “metri” which means measure. Anthropometry is a study of measuring the human body dimensions of bone, muscle and adipose or fat tissue (Survey, 2009). According to (Nurmianto 1996), anthropometry is a collection of numerical data related to the characteristics of the human body such as size, shape, and strength as well as the application of these data for handling design problems.
So, from the several definitions of anthropometry above, it can be concluded that anthropometry is a science that explains the measurement of the human body to assist in the design process in order to achieve the appropriate ergonomic point.
Why Designing a Mouse with Anthropometry is Important?
Ergonomic size is always considered in making a product so that users can feel comfortable when using it. However, there are also other benefits that users of this product can experience, for example, as follows :
- Reduces injury or pain during use
- Efficiency of time so as not to be wasted
- Increase productivity in terms of speed, accuracy and security.
What are the Guiding Aspects in Mouse Design?

The following are some parts that can be measured in the design of a mouse that uses anthropometry as a measurement reference :
- Finger Width
- Palm Width
- Palm Width with Thumb
- Hand Length
- Palm Length
- Index Finger Length
Recommended Tools That Can Be Used To Measure Mouse Anthropometry
1. Anthropometric Chair
The anthropometry Chair is a chair that is used as assistance in measuring 34 dimensions of the human body.
The Anthropometry Chair makes it easy for us to take measurements with the highest level of precision. Besides, measures can be divided into three classifications: standing position, sitting position, and measurement of the face area.
2. Metrisis – Antropometri Portable
Anthropometric Portable is an anthropometric measuring tool used for the measurement of the human body.
The function of this tool is to carry out anthropometric measurements that are carried out carefully and prioritize the accuracy of the data. This instrument offers measurement capabilities of up to 100 measurements. In addition, its portable form makes this tool can be used unlimited time and done anywhere.
How To Get The Two Products Above?
For those of you who want to get the two products above to measure body parts, you can visit our website at via Whatsapp . You can also visit our workshop directly at Jalan Slamet Raya, Tawangsari RT. 01 RW 34, Mojosongo, Jebres, Surakarta. See you again! Creative Work Sincere Serving.