10 Examples of Ergonomics in the Workplace. Already implemented?

10 examples of ergonomics in the workplace that you can apply. The workplace becomes a place between human activities and various work systems. The workplace is shaped like a room that can be open or closed which is the center of daily activities. Ergonomics is a science that studies human behavior with all its work activities. Ergonomics plays a role in adjusting the size of the workplace with the dimensions of the human body to reduce work stress. Here are 10 examples of ergonomics that you can apply in the workplace.

ergonomics workplace
Source: Pixabay.com
Read More: Understanding ‘Ergonomic Stress’ in Work! The Problems and Solutions.

10 Examples of Workplace Ergonomics

In creating work comfort and safety (K3) in the workplace, here are examples of work activities by applying ergonomics.

1. Application of ergonomic chairs

Chairs are objects that are often used by workers every day. So to create worker comfort must be applied the use of ergonomic chairs. An ergonomic sitting position will make worker performance optimal. Ergonomic chairs are adapted to the dimensions of the human body. This is to reduce worker injuries and fatigue. The benefits of working positions by applying ergonomic chairs include: reducing fatigue in the legs, which reduces the risk of spinal pain and reduces the energy used to work.

2. Application of ergonomic tables

Penerapan ergonomi selanjutnya adalah menciptakan meja yang ergonomis untuk para pekerja. Meja yang ergonomis disesuaikan dengan dimensi tubuh manusia, meliputi tinggi, luas, dan lebar meja. Apabila ukuran meja terlalu tinggi atau terlalu rendah maka dapat menyebabkan kelelahan dan cedera untuk pekerja.

3. Workplace lighting

One of the factors that can make you comfortable at work is the appropriate lighting settings. For example, if the light of the room is too dark, it will affect the performance of workers. Or vice versa too bright light can also absorb workers’ energy. Workers can feel tired or hot. Then arrange the lighting of the workplace according to the comfort of workers.

4. Suitable computer position

The next application of ergonomics examples is the appropriate position of the worker’s computer. Appropriate here means, that the distance between the worker’s eyes and the computer screen must be appropriate, not too close and not too far. If the distance between the eyes and the computer screen is too close, it can cause strain and eye pain. Conversely, the distance between the eyes and the screen is too far also makes the eyes hurt.

ergonomics workplace
Source: Pixabay.com

5. Ergonomic keyboard and mouse position

Laying of the keyboard and mouse according to the comfort of workers. The keyboard and mouse are two objects that are often used by workers. So a comfortable keyboard and mouse design is needed to reduce injuries to the hands while working.

6. Implement breaks while working

Agar tercipta sistem kerja yang nyaman para pekerja, terapkan istirahat di tengah-tengah pekerjaan. Hal ini untuk mengurangi stress kerja dan rasa bosan saat bekerja. Istirahat dapat dilakukan dengan meregangkan otot-otot pada tubuh, makan dan minum, serta tidur dalam waktu yang singkat. Hal ini diperlukan untuk mengembalikan energi tubuh untuk kesiapaan bekerja kembali.

10 examples of ergonomics workplace
Source: Pixabay.com

7. Table layout between workers

The next application of ergonomics is the layout of the table between workers. The layout of the table is adjusted so that the position of the workers does not dazzle each other and put the table in part of the room with appropriate motion.

8. Comfortable working environment

A comfortable work environment will make workers comfortable and at home at work. Work comfort greatly affects the productivity of workers. In addition, it can increase the creativity of workers.

9. Lifting heavy loads according to procedures

To avoid back injuries when lifting heavy weights, workers must follow the appropriate procedures. This is also one example of the application of ergonomics in the workplace.

10. Train posture while working

To reduce the risk of never, the body must consider the correct posture. Training posture can avoid back and neck pain, dizziness, difficulty sleeping, lowering concentration levels, slowness, lethargic, to depression. Training posture can be in the form of the right way to sit, stretch the legs, and other sports.

ergonomics workplace
Source: Pixabay.com
Read More: What is Ergonomic Hazard? Check out Example of Ergonomic Hazard Here!

Anthropometric Measuring Tools Available in the Application of Ergonomics in the Workplace

In creating ergonomics in the workplace, it is necessary to design and design comfortable work facilities. Then it is necessary to match the tool with the dimensions of the human body. This compatibility can be done with anthropometric measurements. Here we recommend anthropometric measuring instruments to measure the dimensions of the human body.

1. Antropometric Chair

An anthropometric chair is a measuring instrument that can be used to measure the dimensions of the human body up to 34 measurements. This tool can reach measurements in sitting, standing, to the face area. Material from stainless steel is strong and sturdy when used. For details, please contact us via WhatsApp Admin. Or you can also fill in the ASK FOR PRICE link to get the best price quote.

2. Portable Antrpometry Complete Set Series

The Anthropometry Portable Complete Set Series is a derivative of the Anthropometric Chair in the portable version. This tool can measure up to 100 dimensions of the human body. Made of stainless steel material that is strong and sturdy when used. Equipped with storage luggage that can be taken anywhere. For details, you can contact us via WhatsApp Admin. You can also click the ASK FOR PRICE link to get the best price quote.

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