Understanding sensitive and specific interventions in handling stunting. Because the national achievement target for stunting prevalence until 2024 is 14%. The targets in handling stunting include adolescents, brides-to-be, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and children aged 2 years. The government in handling stunting includes convergence policies for specific and sensitive interventions. So what is meant by this? Check out the details here!
Definition of Sensitive and Specific Interventions
Stunting is a condition of failure to thrive caused by chronic malnutrition in the first 1000 days of life until the age of two. Stunting occurs from the womb to the age of two. This is caused by various factors, one of which is a lack of nutritional intake in the first 1000 days of life. The convergence of stunting handling is carried out in a coordinated, integrated, and joint manner. Handling stunting involves cross-sectors to accelerate stunting reduction effectively.
One of the policies in handling stunting is nutrition-sensitive and specific interventions. Sensitive interventions are programs or activities related to improving health and nutrition. Specific interventions are activity programs to improve access to sanitation services and clean water supply. According to the Ministry of Health by 2022, this policy will depend 70% on sensitive interventions and 30% on specific interventions.
Program of Sensitive and Specific Intervention Activities
Here are some policy programs for sensitive and specific interventions to accelerate stunting reduction.
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Sensitive Intervention Activity Program
1. Provision of drinking water and proper sanitation
Stunting can be caused by a lack of drinking water and proper sanitation. This factor occurs if the water consumed contains bacteria that can cause children diarrhea or worms to make the child’s appetite decrease. In addition, improper sanitation can also affect children’s health. Children can easily get diseases to make health conditions decrease.
For this reason, the availability of drinking water and proper sanitation needs to be launched to prevent stunting. Consuming clean water and providing proper sanitation can reduce stunting.
2. Nutrition and health services
The next program is nutrition and health service facilities. This program includes family planning (KB), national health insurance (JKN), and the Family Hope Program (PKH). The family planning program aims to regulate the birth spacing of children, the ideal age of childbirth, protection, and realize reproductive rights for quality families.
Meanwhile, the National Health Insurance Program (JKN) aims to protect the community to get access to health services without being hampered by costs. This guarantee may include pregnancy consultation, childbirth process, child immunization, and child examination. Meanwhile, the Family Hope Program (PKH) aims to meet the needs of families to get access to quality food needs.
3. Increased awareness of parenting and nutrition
This program aims to increase socialization among parents about the importance of parenting and nutrition for children. This can be done including:
- Dissemination of health information through social media.
- Counseling to nutritionists.
- Parenting counseling for parents.
- Early childhood education (ECCE).
- Reproductive health counseling for adolescents.
- Women’s empowerment and child protection (PPA)
4. Increase access to nutritious food
This program aims to encourage access to nutritious food for pregnant women and children. Some of the things you can do include:
- Provide access to food assistance for underprivileged families such as non-cash food assistance (BPNT).
- Developing agriculture and animal husbandry to meet food and nutrition needs in households such as the Sustainable Food House Area (KRPL) program.
- Provide fortification of main food ingredients such as salt, wheat flour, and cooking oil.
- Strengthening regulations on food labels and advertisements.
5. Specific intervention programs
In specific interventions, there are three target groups. These three groups are divided into:
- Priority interventions are interventions that directly have an impact on reaching out to stunting prevention. The targets are pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, adolescent girls, and women of childbearing age, up to children aged 24-59 months.
- Supporting interventions are interventions that indirectly prevent stunting through improved nutrition and health.
- Priority interventions by certain conditions, namely interventions that directly target groups with certain conditions, including during disaster emergencies.
Read More: Discover Specific Nutritional Interventions and Sensitive Nutritional Interventions, the Key to Resolve Stunting
Selling Measuring Instruments to Prevent Stunting
Here we recommend an anthropometric measuring instrument to prevent stunting, namely the Anthropometry Kit SK-17 Metrisis. This tool consists of a height meter (stadiometer), infantometer board, upper arm, and head circumference (LILA), digital weight scale bluetooth, and digital baby weight scale bluetooth produced by PT Solo Abadi Indonesia. This tool has advantages including:
- Equipped with TKDN, AKD, and distribution permit certificates.
- It has been used by various health agencies in Indonesia.
- Made of quality ABS plastic material.
- Accurate in measurement.
- Already available in E-Catalog.
If you are interested in our tool, please contact us via WhatsApp Admin. Or you can click the ASK FOR PRICE link if you buy directly. Also available on Shopee, Lazada, and Tokopedia marketplaces. Stay up to date through www.soloaabadi.com.