Stunting Discussion Theme Reference 2023 for KKN Work Study Programs

It is important to prepare stunting education materials before holding a KKN work program with the theme of stunting outreach. Stunting itself is one of the nutritional problems that often occurs in Indonesia. Where the child’s nutrition is not met and the child’s growth is stunted, the child’s height is below the standard for children his age. If left unchecked, this can lead to other, more fatal problems such as hampering the development of children’s intelligence, and increasing the potential for chronic diseases such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes and hypertension.

Back in 2022, Indonesia had a stunting prevalence of 21.6%, although it has decreased from year to year, it is still below the WHO standard of 20%. Considering the seriousness of stunting cases and the dangers caused by stunting in Indonesia, this nutritional problem must be resolved immediately

What Is Stunting?

According to WHO, stunting is a growth disorder or growth faltering caused by repeated infections and chronic malnutrition due to inadequate nutritional intake. Furthermore, in 2020 WHO stated that the condition of ‘short’ can be said to be stunting if the child’s length or height is less than -2 Standard Deviation (SD) on the WHO growth curve based on age.

Apart from nutritional intake, there are a number of other factors that trigger stunting, including:

  • Insufficient calorie intake
  • Poverty
  • Education about feeding children under five and low stunting
  • Cultural influences
  • Cow’s milk allergy
  • Low Birth Weight (LBW)
  • Poor lifestyle and sanitation
  • Congenital heart disease
  • Chronic infections from diseases such as tuberculosis, diphtheria, pertussis, and measles (can be prevented by immunization)
  • Pregnant women experience malnutrition or anemia
Also Read: 25 Interesting Stunting Prevention Themes for Students during KKN

Sayangnya hal ini belum dipahami oleh sebagian orang Indonesia, karenanya diperlukan sosialisasi intensif dari tim penggerak PKK, Posyandu ataupun mahasiswa KKN yang sudah dibekali untuk melakukan penyuluhan stunting. Lantas apa saja materi tentang stunting yang dapat dijadikan penyuluhan stunting?

The following is a collection of stunting education material that can be used as a reference.

Examples of Stunting Discussion Theme for Reference

1. Diet, Parenting and Sanitation

Based on the explanation of the former Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Nila Moeloek, it was stated that health is downstream. This means that health problems often stem from problems outside the health sector, for example economic, political, social, cultural, poverty, lack of women’s empowerment and environmental degradation. Therefore, the role of all levels of society and contributions from various sectors is needed.

To solve this problem, there are 3 important aspects that need to be considered. Among them are Diet, Parenting Patterns and also Sanitation

a. Dietary Habit

As mentioned, cases of stunting arise due to low access to food both in terms of quantity and nutritional quality, as well as a lack of variety. Therefore a ‘Fill My Plate’ or ‘Isi Piringku’ concept is needed to promote balanced nutrition. It is important for growing children to increase protein intake, while still consuming fruit and vegetables. In one portion of food, half contains vegetables and fruit, while the other half contains protein sources (both vegetable and animal) with a greater proportion of carbohydrates.

b. Parenting

The aspect of parenting is also important to pay attention to, because stunting is also influenced by your child’s behavior. In particular, poor parenting practices in feeding babies and toddlers can trigger stunting and hinder children’s growth.

Therefore, it is important to equip yourself with education related to reproductive health and adolescent nutrition as family preparation, nutritional intake for pregnant women, routine obstetric examinations, delivery procedures at health facilities, knowing the benefits of Early Breastfeeding Initiation (IMD) and providing exclusive breastfeeding for up to 6 months.

Breastfeeding continues until the child is 2 years old with supporting nutritional intake from complementary foods. Not only that, fathers and mothers also need to regularly monitor growth and development at Posyandu every month. Make sure children get free immunizations at Posyandu or Puskesmas.

c. Sanitation and Clean Water Access

Sanitation or environmental cleanliness are factors that are no less important to pay attention to. Because a dirty environment is a nest for various germs and bacteria, this can certainly increase the risk of infectious diseases for children. To avoid this, fathers and mothers need to teach their little ones to wash their hands frequently using soap and rinse with running water, and encourage them not to defecate in the open.

2. Get to know Stunting: Causes, Symptoms and Prevention

Stunting is a condition where children experience failure to grow or weight faltering which causes body and brain growth. This condition is caused by chronic malnutrition, especially in the first 1000 days of life. This is what then causes children to be physically shorter than children their age and to be late in thinking.

Causes of Stunting

  • Low nutritional intake in the first 1000 days of life (HPK)
  • There is still a lack of household/family access to balanced nutritious food
  • Recurring infections
  • Poor sanitation facilities
  • Minimal access to clean water
  • Lack of environmental cleanliness

Stunting Symptoms

  • The child’s height and weight growth chart is below the standard height for children his age
  • Stunted bone growth
  • Easily infected by disease
  • Learning difficulties
  • Growth and development disorders

How to Prevent Stunting

  • The delivery was assisted by health personnel
  • Give exclusive breast milk to babies
  • Weighing toddlers (routinely going to Posyandu)
  • Use clean water and maintain cleanliness
  • Wash your hands with clean water and soap
  • Use a healthy toilet
  • Eradicating mosquito larvae
  • Consume vegetables and fruit every day
  • Do physical activity every day
  • No smoking in the house
  • Prevention of stunting from adolescence

3. Prevention of Stunting Since Adolescence or Teenager Days

Prevention of stunting should be started as early as possible, since the mother-to-be is still a teenager. Prevention for young women can be done by consuming TTD or Blood Increasing Tablets 1 tablet per week regularly.

This is done to prevent young women from getting anemia or lack of blood. Apart from taking blood-boosting tablets, there are a number of other ways you can prevent stunting:

  • Prevent anemia by consuming foods high in iron or other minerals that can stimulate blood production, such as red meat, green vegetables, offal, nuts and legumes.
  • Implement a balanced nutritional diet, consuming foods from plant, animal and other healthy sources.
  • Exercise regularly, at least 30 minutes every day. In order to build a body with strong stamina and to avoid various diseases.
  • Educate yourself with knowledge about stunting, symptoms, causes and prevention

The Most Accurate Anthropometric Measurement Tool for Stunting Detection to Support KKN Work Programs

To support the KKN work program on stunting prevention, students need anthropometric measuring devices to detect stunting from an early age. The following are recommendations for the most accurate anthropometric measurement tools for stunting detection:

Anthropometry Kit – SK TKDN produced by PT Solo Abadi Indonesia is a package of anthropometric measuring tools to detect stunting from toddler age. This package consists of a Portable Stadiometer, Infantometer Board, Digital Adult Scales, Digital Baby Scales, LILA Tape and Anthropometry Bag. The specifications for the Anthropometric Kit – SK 17 have been adjusted to KMK HK 01.07/MENKES/1919/2022 regarding the complete specifications for the Anthropometric Kit package. Baby Scales and Digital Adult Scales from Solo Abadi are connected to the MetrisisApp application which can be downloaded on the Google Play Store.

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Contact Us to Order Anthropometry Products

Get and order anthropometric measuring instruments at the best prices from Solo Abadi by filling in the available ask for prices. You can also connect directly via WhatsApp, we are ready to contact you soon.

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