The Role Of CNC Machines In The Medical Device Manufacturing Industry

The medical device industry continues to experience growth, and the needs in various health sectors continue to increase. The number of enterprises producing medical devices is constantly increasing. Uneven medical equipment facilities in each region are the main concern of the government, this is a great opportunity for the manufacturing industry. Digital technology that is developing rapidly makes the production of medical devices more effective and efficient so that the needs of health facilities can be met. One of the machines that play a role is a CNC machines that is able to produce on a large scale.

The Need for Medical Devices in the Medical World

With the implementation of the National Health Insurance system, the need for medical devices continues to increase. This high need can be met by the increasing manufacturing industry of medical devices, which of course can be supported by the government. Medical devices serve to dictate, alleviate diseases, and improve health. To produce medical devices, a machine is needed that can make quality and precise products. One of the machines that play a role in the production process is a CNC machine. In processing raw materials, it can use CNC machines that are constantly evolving following technological advances.

This is the Role of CNC Machines in the Medical Device Industry

CNC machines are machines that operate using a computer by inserting programs. Furthermore, the CNC machine will automatically make the product according to the program input. Medical devices have specifications and provisions that have been determined by the Ministry of Health. The features of CNC machines can make products according to specifications with precision. So that the resulting product has good quality. The production process is also effective and controlled automatically, which can carry out mass production quickly and accurately.

Manufacture of Stadiometers

Of these types that are often used for the manufacture of medical devices are CNC Milling and Lathe machines. One of the products made using this machine is a portable stadiometer. Every medical device produced will go through testing and must comply with the Ministry of Health specifications.

Medical Device Production Company in Indonesia

One of the companies engaged in the field of medical devices is PT Solo Abadi Indonesia. The products made have passed testing and are certified by the Ministry of Health. Its products have been used throughout Indonesia and have been used abroad. Some of the medical devices made are anthropometric chairs, portable stadiometers, head circumference arms (LILA), digital scales, infantometer portables, infantometer boards, and anthropometric bags. In addition, PT Solo Abadi Indonesia is also engaged in machining in making precise and quality parts. For more information, please visit the website or contact our marketing team via Whatsapp.

Written by Imron Fahrudin, Student of Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Surakarta, Mechanical Engineering Education Study Program, Class of 2020

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