Anthropometry as a science that has many roles in various fields, reaches the dimensions of the human body from the visible (such as height and weight) to parts that are not widely known by ordinary people. The Solo Abadi editorial team often discusses body parts or body dimensions that are not widely known. Among them are the glabella, biacromial, trochanter, to eye height. After discussing the application of eye height measurement in the previous article. This time the editorial team of Solo Abadi will review the application or application of the measurement of sitting eye height in everyday life.
Discovering Anthropometry
Anthropometry or measurement dimensions of the human body is a science that is widely used for various fields. The term itself is adapted from the Ancient Greek language, namely anthro which means human and metri which means measurement. So it can be assumed that anthropometry means the measurement of parts of the human body. Not only that, anthropometric measurements are still classified into two, namely static and dynamic.
1. Static anthropometry
Static anthropometry is a measurement made to see the dimensions of the human body in a static or stationary state. The measurements referred to are height, arm length, elbow height, thigh thickness and others.
2. Dynamic anthropometry
Dynamic anthropometry is a measurement made to see the dimensions of the human body in a dynamic or moving state. These measurements include turning the steering wheel, lifting weights, and swinging hands. For the case of the measurement of sitting eye height, this measurement dimension is an example of a static anthropometric measurement. So what are the anthropometric measurement dimensions of sitting eye height? Let’s review together!
Dimensions of Sitting Eye Height Anthropometric Measurement
Eye height or eye height is a dimension of measuring the distance of the eye from the floor to the part of the eye called the inner canthus. In addition to the usual eye height measurement, there is a measurement dimension with the same principle, namely sitting eye height. As the name suggests this measurement is used in a sitting position, with dimensions measuring from the base of the seat to the inner canthus.
Both eye height and sitting eye height measurements measure from the base of the standing/sitting support to the inner canthus. The inner canthus is the inner canthus, the canthus itself is the corner of the eye where the upper and lower eyelids meet. More specifically, the inner and outer canthi, respectively, are the medial and lateral ends of the palpebral fissure.
Also Read : Eye Height Sitting Measurement Using Portable Anthropometry
Application of Sitting Eye Height Measurement
Similar to the measurement of standing eye height, sitting eye height is also projected to measure the eye distance, precisely the dimension of ‘range’ of view of the sitting position. So that the application is not much different, the measurement of sitting eye height is mainly used as a reference datum in mass production.
As a reference datum for the location of the visual display, the ‘reach’ dimension for the line of sight, determining the maximum acceptable visual obstruction height, optical sight devices for long-term use should be adapted for the user’s reach.
The principle of measuring sitting eye height is needed in designing the main room, workspace or classroom. Laying a blackboard or screen projector requires an estimation of eye height when sitting or sitting eye height. Because the distance that is not right can risk damaging your eyesight and body posture, so paying attention to the estimated viewing distance is necessary.
The Most Accurate Anthropometric Measuring Tool
The results of anthropometric measurements in measuring sitting eye height must be accurate and precise. Therefore, a measuring instrument is needed that supports these accurate results. Here is a selection of the best measuring tools that can be used:
Portable Anthropometry Kit for University
Metrisis – Portable Anthropometry produced by Solo Abadi Indonesia is an anthropometric measuring instrument derived from the anthropometric chair which is packaged in a portable form, so that the measuring instrument can be moved or carried anywhere easily. Like an innovation, portable anthropometry can be used to measure up to more than 100 dimensions of the human body.
The function of this tool is to carry out anthropometric measurements that are carried out carefully and prioritize the accuracy of the data. This instrument offers measurement capabilities of up to 100 measurements. In addition, its portable form makes this tool can be used unlimited time and done anywhere.
Anthropometric kits from SOLO ABADI have been sent to various departments in Indonesia. Currently, 8 Portable Anthropometry kits from SOLO ABADI have been used, one of which is the Department of Medicine, Islamic University of Indonesia. The following are the details of the Anthropometry Portable Kit product.
Contact Us to Get Anthropometry Measurement Product
Get anthropometric measuring tools from Solo Abadi by filling in the available ask for price. You can also connect directly through our WhatsApp, because we are ready to contact you immediately.