Paying Attention to Anthropometry and Biomotor to Support Sports Achievement

Anthropometry is one aspect that is quite large in determining the achievement of athletes in certain sports. This is as said by a UMS Lecturer, Mr. Wijianto S.Ft.,Ftr., M.Or in a discussion with the Solo Abadi team about anthropometry in badminton. Under the umbrella of sports science there is a discussion of anthropometry and biomotor.

Biomotor is the ability of human movement that occurs due to the condition of internal organ systems. The internal organ systems in question include the neuromuscular, respiratory, digestive, blood circulation, energy, bone and joint systems.

Definition of Anthropometry

The term anthropometry is derived from the Greek words anthro which means human and metron which means measurement. Anthropometry is the science of measuring body composition. Starting from Hippocrates in 400 AD regarding the shape of the body that is tall, thin and short, thin.

biomotor anthropometry

Anthropometric measurements are very useful for designing equipment and facilities needed for daily activities. The use of anthropometry in the workplace is intended to evaluate attitude and distance to reach, determine the distance of body clearances from a hazardous environment and to assist in biomechanical analysis.

Hand anthropometry can be used for designing hand tools as well as for sports facilities related to the use of hands. The ergonomic design of the hand tool aims to optimize the handle to be effective in carrying out activities to reduce the burden on muscles, tendons, skin and joints. The ergonomic design of the hand tool is used to reduce contact pressure on the carpals and to avoid injury to the wrist.

Anthropometry in Physiotherapy and Sports

As mentioned earlier, anthropometry has a very broad role, its role also influences the diagnosis of physiotherapy and the field of sports. The two fields are mutually sustainable to evaluate the physical and physical fitness of an athlete.

biomotor anthropometry
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In physiotherapy and sports, there are several tips that can be done to maximize the potential of athletes. For example, by determining the appropriate nutrition for athletes, the type of exercise that is suitable to do and the intensity of the exercise that can be done. The things mentioned can actually be known by taking anthropometric measurements.

Therefore, anthropometry has an important role in both fields. Not only anthropometry, biomotor also influences the optimal performance of an athlete. Both need to be researched continuously to determine the athlete’s physical condition optimally.

Anthropometry and Biomotor

Biomotor is the ability of physical movement or human physical activity that is static or dynamic. Biomotor has a close relationship with the anthropometry of the human body, especially in this discussion, athletes. Before participating in sports competitions, the athlete must know his anthropometric and biomotor physical features. This anthropometry and biomotor will be able to guarantee the physical fitness of athletes, and increase the chances of winning matches. In short, anthropometric and biomotor aspects play an important role in supporting an athlete’s sports achievement.

In researching a person’s biomotor, there are 10 components that need to be considered :

  • Strength
  • Endurance
  • Speed
  • Flexibility
  • Accuracy
  • Reaction
  • Balance
  • Power

Biomotor test results can also be used as an evaluation and measured through static and dynamic anthropometric measurement methods. Adapted to the movements performed by athletes. For maximum results, accurate and precise measuring tools are also needed.

The Most Accurate Anthropometric Measuring Tool

The results of anthropometric measurements in determining the physical fitness of an athlete must be accurate and precise. Therefore, a measuring instrument is needed that supports these accurate results. Here is a selection of the best measuring tools that can be used :

Portable anthropometry kit

Metrisis – Portable anthropomethry produced by Solo Abadi Indonesia is a measurement tool derived from an anthropometry chair that is packed as a portable tool. As for how innovation should be, portable anthropometry could be used to measure more than 100 human body measurements. Just how chair anthropometry works, portable anthropometry could be used in various fields such as sport, forensic, industrial technic, product design, academy, and military.

Get anthropometric measurement tools by Solo Abadi by filling the ‘ask for price’ feature available. You could also reach out directly through our WhatsApp, we’re ready to contact you as soon as possible.

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Get anthropometric measuring tools from Solo Abadi by filling in the available ask for price. You can also connect directly through our WhatsApp, because we are ready to contact you immediately.

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