Surakarta, PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia – PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia fully supports the program of the Government of Indonesia in an effort to increase the independence of domestic pharmaceutical and medical device business actors through TKDN certification. Domestic Component Level Certification (TKDN) is important for the industry to grow amid imported health products.
TKDN is regulated in Article 61 of Government Regulation Number 29 of 2018 concerning Government Procurement of Goods/Services, it is stated,
“In the procurement of goods and services, Domestic Products that must be used as referred to in paragraph (1) must have a TKDN value of at least 25% (twenty five percent)”
The Indonesian government also targets this figure to increase every year. By 2022, the Indonesian Government’s TKDN target is 40%.
PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia cooperates with PT. Sucofindo in verifying the TKDN on the Anthropometry Kit which includes the Infantometer Board, Portable Infantometer and Portable Stadiometer. This verification process runs from August 2021 and was successfully audited in October 2021. This process was completed in mid-January 2022 with the following results:
Instruments measuring the length of infants and toddlers, the Portable Infantometer scored 42.55% and the Infantometer Board scored 41.5%. Meanwhile, the Portable Stadiometer, which measures height for children and adults, managed to get a score of 69.27%. The three products of PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia has exceeded the Indonesian Government’s TKDN target by 2022.
Anthropometry Kit verification, carried out by PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia as the Government of Indonesia is aggressively suppressing the stunting rate in Indonesia. Given the lack of domestic Anthropometry production, PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia wants to fill this gap by improving the quality of Anthropometry by maximizing the use of domestic components.
About PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia
PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia is a company located in Surakarta, Central Java. Engaged in manufacturing and is the largest producer of Portable Stadiometer, Infantometer Board, Anthropometry Chair and Stunting Kit in Indonesia, which was established in 2005. Solo Abadi products can be applied in various fields of science such as health, anthropology, forensics, industrial engineering, product design, academia, to the military. We continue to advancing the domestic industry by delievered certified and licensed products.
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