In recent years, the term electric car may have been heard by some people. Big brands are also competing to produce the best electric cars in their class. An example is the well-known car company, Tesla, which continues to innovate with several types of car models. We need to know that, an electric car is a vehicle that uses a battery as a power supply. The battery can also be recharged so it can reach hundreds of kilometers on a single charge.
History of Electric Cars
Many of people think electric cars are a new technology, it turns out that this technology has been around since 1880 and 15 years later, Thomas Alva Edison introduced the Baker Electric Car which can be seen in the picture below.

The design of electric cars always growing from the beginning until now. An example is the aspect of comfort while riding. The aspect of comfort is an important thing in designing an electric car. Comfort can be influenced by various things, one of which is design. So, the way to find out what a suitable design looks like is to use Anthropometry.
The Importance of Ergonomic Aspects in Making the Steering Room
There are many ergonomic aspects in the design of the wheelhouse, for example, increasing the focus of racing car drivers so that they can become champions. The reach from the seat to the gas pedal or brake pedal is also important so that car users are not only intended for people who have a tall posture.
Dimensions of the Steering Control Device Measured Using Anthropometry
Inside the wheelhouse, there are many control devices that are used to support the activities in it so that it can run well. The suitability of the design is very important so that the driver feels comfortable, does not get tired easily and is useful for maintaining concentration.
The following are some control tools that can be designed using Anthropometry:
- Steering Seat and Front Passenger
- Visual Display
- Steering Wheel
- Gas Pedal and Brake Pedal
Functions of Anthropometric Chairs in Control Room Design
Anthropometric chairs have an important role to assist in designing a comfortable and ergonomic control room. To help find a suitable ergonomics, data such as those mentioned below are needed :
1. Measurements For Steering Seat and Front Passenger

This measurement includes the measurement of the popliteal distance to the buttocks, hip width, popliteal height, shoulder height when sitting and shoulder width so that the position when sitting is comfortable and does not get tired easily from the back to the feet.
2. Measurement For Visual Display

This measurement includes eye height when sitting and the distance from the eyes to the back of the head so that the visual display position does not tire the eyes quickly and the eyes can clearly see the information on the visual display.
3. Measurement For Steering Wheel

The dimensions of the steering wheel are also important in designing the wheelhouse of an electric car, several things that can be measured are shoulder width, thigh thickness, and arm length when sitting. Shoulder width is used to determine the diameter of the steering wheel, thigh thickness is used to measure the distance from the bottom of the steering wheel to the seat and arm length when sitting is used to measure the distance from the steering wheel to the seat horizontally.
4. Measurements For Gas Pedal and Brake Pedal

The suitability of the foot in pressing the gas pedal and brake pedal, several things need to be measured, namely the width of the soles of the feet, the length of the soles of the feet and the length of the arms of the soles of the feet.
How To Get An Anthropometric Chair?
For those of you who are interested in owning an anthropometric chair, you can visit our website at as well as through Whatsapp and our social media (Instagram, Facebook). You can also visit our workshop directly at Jalan Slamet Raya, Tawangsari RT. 01 RW 34, Mojosongo, Jebres, Surakarta. Until we meet again, warm regards, Solo Abadi.