REBA and RULA Methods, Modifying Furniture for Ergonomics

The term ergonomics is often attached to furniture products and tools to support other human activities. Actually, what is ergonomics and why does it play a significant role in furniture and other tools. This article will discuss this matter in more depth, getting to know the REBA and RULA methods on furniture. Understanding proper ergonomic standards and modifying the shape of furniture to make it comfortable to use.

Before discussing more deeply about ergonomic modifications through the REBA and RULA methods on furniture, let’s get to know the surface first. The following is an understanding and also a definition of ergonomics principles and a glimpse of their application in everyday life.

Understanding Ergonomics

The term ergonomics is derived from the Ancient Greek ‘ergon’ and also ‘nomos’ . The two terms mean rule as well as law respectively. So that it can be deduced that ergonomics means rules, norms and also norms in work systems that are not limited to companies but all lines of life.

Baca Juga : Get to Know the Definition and Application of Macro Ergonomics in Everyday Life

Ergonomics can also be called human factors, studying the interactions between humans and other elements. In a company, an ergonomics expert plays a role in designing and evaluating workload, environment and work systems. This effort is none other than to realize effectiveness, efficiency and also productivity. In addition, by paying attention to ergonomics the needs, abilities and limitations of humans can be adjusted properly.

Ergonomic Standards in Furniture


Not only in companies, ergonomics is also closely related to daily life at home. Ergonomics that accompany you in your daily activities are called macro ergonomics, called macro because of their broad reach, not limited to buildings. One of the applications of macro ergonomics is through the furniture used such as chairs, tables, cabinets and others.

Ergonomic furniture in its manufacture applies precise and ideal calculations according to its target market. Accurate calculations are needed in order to realize comfort and minimize accidents when family members use furniture. If the design is not calculated correctly, it will cause health problems such as fatigue, musculoskeletal disorders (bone or muscle disorders).

Ergonomic Furniture Modification with REBA and RULA Methods

The difference between ergonomic and non-ergonomic furniture can be identified by two methods, namely REBA and RULA. REBA itself is an acronym for Rapid Entire Body Assessment which means whole body testing. Whereas RULA is an acronym for Rapid Upper Limb Assessment which, when interpreted literally, means Rapid Upper Limb Assessment.


The REBA and RULA methods are suitable for measuring the ergonomics of a piece of furniture because their measurement range is most suitable for the assessment of work posture. As mentioned, the REBA method has a measuring range of the entire body, including parts of the body, neck, legs, upper arms, forearms and wrists. This method is suitable when applied to measure work posture in the activity of organizing clothes and items into the wardrobe. Because these activities require the role of all members of the body.

REBA Method

The procedure after carrying out a body posture analysis using the REBA method is to pay attention to the score results in the REBA score column. This score describes the recommended posture values or those that need to be changed to minimize the risk of accidents during activities. The following is the REBA score column which can be used as a reference for designing furniture.

1Can be ignoredPosture is acceptable
2-3LowAction may be required
4-5MediumNeed action
6-7HighNeed urgent action
8Very highNeed action now

RULA Method

While the RULA method has procedures that are not much different from REBA. In RULA there is additional analysis on foot position and hand grip. Generally used to analyze activities such as when eating while sitting in a chair. Because these activities only rely on the upper limbs, these parts can be analyzed using the RULA method.


The procedure after analyzing body posture using the RULA method is to pay attention to the score results in the RULA score table column. As with REBA, this score illustrates the recommended posture values or those that need to be changed to minimize the risk of accidents during activities. The following is the RULA score column which can be used as a reference for designing furniture.

1 OR 2Can be ignored Posture is acceptable
3 OR 4Low Action may be required
5 OR 6Medium Need urgent action
7High Need action now

The Best Ergonomics Practicum Measurement Tool for Product Design Department

Measuring the dimensions of the human body in measuring Ergonomic standards using the REBA and RULA methods must be accurate and precise. The following are measuring instruments that can support precision anthropometric measurements.

Also Read : Best Price, Find Quality Ergonomic Research Tools Here!

Metrisis – Anthropometric Chair is an innovative anthropometric measurement instrument that can measure up to 34 dimensions of the human body. This measuring instrument is designed in the form of an adjustable chair to make it easier to measure in a standing, sitting position, as well as measuring facial dimensions.

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