January to February is an important month, because these months are polio immunization sub-weeks. As we know that polio is a contagious disease and attacks children to cause permanent paralysis. To prevent polio, the government appealed to complete immunization. Then, what is meant by polio immunization subweek? Come on, see here in full!

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What is Polio Virus?
Polio is an infectious disease that attacks children caused by the polio virus and has an impact on permanent paralysis. The virus can be spread by people who consume food that is already contaminated with polio. People who get polio are usually not characterized by symptoms, but can transmit the virus.
The polio virus itself has been happening for a long time and this virus was declared by the WHO as a public health emergency. In addition to Indonesia, this virus also attacks Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Nigeria. The spread of poliovirus occurs through contaminated water and food that has been exposed to poliovirus.
This polio virus easily spreads and attacks as follows:
- Remote living places and difficult access to clean water
- Pregnant women who are positive for HIV AIDS
- Unvaccinated children
In addition, the symptoms caused by polio virus are as follows:
- Vomit
- Swallowing pain
- Limp
- Fever
- Headache
- Meningitis
- Muscle pain
- Feet become drooping
The government’s efforts in preventing polio cases are to carry out several series, namely the National Immunization Week (PIN) Polio. So to prevent this, complete immunization or vaccine in the body is needed. If the child does not get a complete vaccine, it is very vulnerable to this polio disease.
Polio Prevention by Immunization Through Polio Subweek

Prevention of polio virus can be done by immunization. Through immunization, prevention of the occurrence of this virus can be handled effectively. This immunization is done with two types, namely oral immunization (via mouth) and injection (injection). This immunization is carried out in children aged 2 months, 4 months, up to the age of 4-6 years. This polio immunization is carried out with four doses, with the following conditions:
- The 0th dose is given to newborn children up to 1 month of age.
- Dose 1 is given to children aged 2 months.
- Dose 2 is given to children aged 3 months.
- Dose 3 is given to children aged 4-6 months.
- Dose 4 called a booster is given to children aged 18 months.
You can easily get polio immunization through puskesmas, posyandu, kindergarten/paud, elementary/MI, and other immunization posts. Preventing polio virus can be done by administering 2 drops of vaccine.
Sell Anthropometry Kits to Prevent Stunting!
PT Solo Abadi Indonesia provides anthropometric measuring kits in an effort to prevent stunting in Indonesia. We provide a variety of package options that can be tailored to the regional budget. Various package options include the following tools:
- Height gauge (stadiometer)
- Baby length gauge (infantometer board)
- Upper arm and head circumference gauge (LILA)
- Digital weight scale bluetooth
- Digital baby weight scale bluetooth
- Anthropometric bag kit
You can easily get this anthropometry kit package through Admin Solo Abadi Indonesia. Negotiate your price and requirements with us. We are also available in the government E-Catalog. Shop your Anthropometry Kit needs with us!
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