Supporting Student Careers, Solo Abadi Provides CV Making Education for ATMI Surakarta Students

Surakarta, PT Solo Abadi Indonesia — Saturday (05/21/2022) PT Solo Abadi Indonesia again participated in the field of education. This time PT Solo Abadi Indonesia represented by C. Lintang Larasati provided education on making Curriculum Vitae (CV) for polytechnic students of the Academy of Industrial Mechanical Engineering (ATMI) Surakarta in the event of Career Debriefing of ATMI Students.

This event is a series of job fairs intended for students who are ready to enter the world of work. C. Lintang Larasati, a digital marketer from PT Solo Abadi Indonesia provides cv manufacturing education that will be used in applying for jobs. CV or curriculum vitae is information about a person’s data or curriculum vitae. He explained the creation of a CV ranging from the type of CV to the necessary and not listed in the CV.

C. Lintang Larasati Provides CV Making Education for ATMI Surakarta Students

C. Lintang Larasati or more familiarly called Lintang explained that before creating a CV, several things need to be considered. Research the company first. Second, know when to send an ATS CV and a creative CV. Third, use a formal photo. Fourth, attach social media to the CV.

“Before applying for a job, make sure you research the company first. What kind of company, what kind of field, and others. After that, we can enter a CV. However, some companies at the time of recruitment based on the application of the CV were different. Some use CV ATS, some use creative CV. For example, a CV for a technology company will be different from a manufacturing company. If many technology companies already use CV ATS, but manufacturing companies use creative CVs.” C. Lintang Larasati said.

CV ATS is a CV that is automatically sorted through software by the company to help the recruitment process. Meanwhile, a creative CV is a CV made with a creative design to describe a person’s self-reflection.

However, it should also be noted that some things do not have to be included in the CV. For example, A CV is made too long, a perfunctory CV experience, abnormal font usage, a CV is too colorful and flashy, and uses an energy bar. Things like this will affect HRD in glancing at the CV.

“Usually the company’s HRD in looking at the CV is not up to 10 seconds. So make sure you write a CV also have to be careful and interesting.” Add Latitude.

The event, which was attended by approximately 190 participants, lasted for an hour and a half. The enthusiasm of students in this education is very high. Many students ask about what is important to put on a CV during a question and answer session. Then, Lintang also explained that it is important to include organization and achievements during college in the CV. The more organizations that are followed will make the CV glanced at by HRD. However, if students have not followed the organization much at the time of college can be pursued after graduation.

At the end of the event, Lintang said that this CV was the first weapon before applying for a job. Although you have qualified skills, your CV is not good and will also hinder recruitment at the company you want.

Read the next article here.

About PT Solo Abadi Indonesia

PT Solo Abadi Indonesia is a company located in Surakarta, Central Java. Engaged in manufacturing and is the largest producer of portable stadiometerinfantometer boardanthropometric chair and stunting kit in Indonesia, which was established in 2005. Solo Abadi products can be applied in various fields of science such as health, anthropology, forensics, industrial engineering, product design, academia, to the military. We hope that we can continue to contribute to advancing the domestic industry by offering certified and licensed products for distribution.

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