Surakarta, PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia – As a manufacturing company engaged in the field of medical instrument, PT. SOLO ABADI INDONESIA is committed to contribute to reducing stunting in Indonesia. One of these contributions was made in the form of participation in the National Webinar entitled “Stunting Prevention for the Nation’s Next Generation: What Youth Can Contribute”. This webinar was organized by the Social Movement Institute for Stunting Reduction & Maternal Mortality in collaboration with AMSA-Indonesia, National CIMSA, and Friends of Breastfeeding, Preventing Stunting is Important. This institution was initiated by Dr.dr. Brian Sriprahastuti, MPH as the Main Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office of the Republic of Indonesia.
This National Webinar was attended by the Minister of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection, I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati, S.E, M.Si Head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency / BKKBN, Dr. (H.C), dr. Hasto Wardoyo, Sp.OG. In addition to the two great figures who have a crucial role in reducing stunting in Indonesia, there is a dialogue between the figures, namely Dr. dr. Brian Sri Prahastuti, MPH, Anggraini Sari Astuti, SKM as Family Planning Partnerships and Communication Associate – UNFPA Indonesia, Fitriana Herarti, M.Psi., Psychologist as Child Development Specialist – ChildFund International in Indonesia. This National Webinar was also attended by approximately 384 diverse participants. Among them are Infrastructure Engineering Village Assistants (PD-TI), PKK Cadres, Family Planning Counselors and medical students in Indonesia.
Through this joint forum, the Head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency / BKKBN, Dr. (H.C), dr. Hasto Wardoyo, Sp.OG took advantage of this opportunity to have a dialogue and remind all levels of Indonesian society that stunting is designated as a National Priority Program which will be completed in 2024, where the stunting rate in Indonesia must decrease by 14%.
“Our time is near, less than 2.5 years from now. The strategy we use is no longer theoretical but really close. The role of the family is important as an exit strategy. The period before pregnancy, pregnancy, intervals must be escorted by the family so that it reaches the mother and prospective mother. It is impossible for us to achieve this 14% without revolution, it is not enough with innovation, because we need a change of mindset,” he added.
Hasto Wardoyo also added that every year, there are 2 million marriages in Indonesia. These prospective parents are expected to do a screening first, especially for prospective mothers. Hasto Wardoyo advised that in January 2022, this screening can be carried out by measuring weight, hemoglobin levels and upper arm circumference (LILA), which if it is less than 23 cm it is not recommended to get pregnant first because of indications that the expectant mother has Chronic Energy Deficiency (KEK). Therefore, conception before pregnancy is important so that the mother-to-be is not malnourished and anemic.
In the dialogue between characters, Dr. dr. Brian Sri Prahastuti, MPH also reminded the public about the definition of stunting according to the Presidential Staff Office, namely failure to thrive in children due to chronic malnutrition in the First 1000 Days of Life (HPK). Chronic malnutrition in question is malnutrition in the long term and is an iterative process. Dr. dr. Brian Sri Prahastuti, MPH also conveyed 3 Key Messages in preventing stunting.
“We have compiled these 3 Key Messages through a process so that they can be easily accepted by ordinary people. We position the pink color here as parenting, love… where the most strategic thing here is the issue of breastfeeding. So the first key message is Breastfeeding. This breast milk is a child’s right if you want to prevent stunting. This breast milk must be given exclusively for 6 months after being given complementary foods (MPASI). The second message is that the color green is identical to vegetables, so the main message is that the Contents of the Plate are important. So the priority is not just eating but what is on the plate. The principle is balanced nutrition where there is a composition of staple foods, side dishes, fruits and vegetables. The third message is related to sanitation, so the key message is that Worm Free is Important. We created this message based on the findings in West Nusa Tenggara that there are still many people who are infected with worms t worms for toddlers that we do based on the provision of vitamin A.” Obviously.
Through this forum, PT. SOLO ABADI INDONESIA fully supports the commitment of the Government of Indonesia to reduce the stunting rate in Indonesia by 2024 by 14%. PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia also supports government programs in the production of medical devices in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 2 of 2019 such as Infantometer Board, Stadiometer and Stunting Kit. These tools have been used in various posyandu institutions in Indonesia.
About PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia
PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia is a company located in Surakarta, Central Java. Engaged in manufacturing and is the largest producer of Portable Stadiometer, Infantometer Boards, Anthropometric Chair and Stunting Kit in Indonesia, which was established in 2005. Solo Abadi products can be applied in various fields of science such as health, anthropology, forensics, industrial engineering, product design, academia, to the military.