Know the Specifications of Equipment, Cianjur District Health Office Invites Solo Abadi Anthropometric Kit Presentation

Surakarta, PT Solo Abadi Indonesia — Monday (27/02/2023) PT Solo Abadi Indonesia had the opportunity to make an anthropometric presentation of a domestically made kit at the Cianjur Regency Health Office, West Java. The purpose of the invitation was to find out the specifications of anthropometric kits produced by PT Solo Abadi Indonesia with a comparison of specifications from the latest Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia.

The team from PT Solo Abadi Indonesia represented by C. Lintang Larasati and Aisyah Umi Khalsum visited directly from Surakarta City to Cianjur Regency, West Java through Kimia Farma and Trade Distribution Bandung City Branch as the distributor. The team from Solo Abadi made a presentation which was witnessed by PPK and officials from the Cianjur Regency Health Office.

The Solo Abadi team introduced the latest product with the brand Metrisis Anthropometry Kit Digital 0.2 as a support for application-based stunting detection in 2023. These tools include an analog height meter (stadiometer), an analog body length meter (infantometer board), upper and head arm circumference bands, a digital mother and child scale (weight scale), and a digital bluetooth baby weight scale. Tools that have been based on the application will then be connected to the MetrisisApp application which is developed by PT Solo Abadi Indonesia itself.

The Cianjur Regency Health Office was very enthusiastic in the presentation that the Solo Abadi Indonesia team held at 13.00 WIB that afternoon. They asked for tool specifications including tool materials made of ABS plastic, tool warranty, and tool storage.

PT Solo Abadi Indonesia would like to thank the Cianjur Regency Health Office for inviting us to make a presentation on the tool. We hope that the Cianjur Regency Health Office can cooperate with us in the procurement of anthropometric kits in 2023.

Read More: The success of Mondokan Besti Program, Anthropometry Kit Solo Abadi Used by Puskesmas Mondokan Sragen

About PT Solo Abadi Indonesia

PT Solo Abadi Indonesia is a company located in Surakarta, Central Java. Engaged in manufacturing and is the largest producer of portable stadiometerinfantometer boardanthropometric chair and stunting kit in Indonesia, which was established in 2005. Solo Abadi products can be applied in various fields of science such as health, anthropology, forensics, industrial engineering, product design, academia, to the military. We hope that we can continue to contribute to advancing the domestic industry by offering certified and licensed products for distribution.

For further information, kindly email us at or via WhatsApp at 08510888111

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