Surakarta, PT SOLO ABADIINDONESIA – How do you feel if the workplace doesn’t support your posture? Difficulty picking up things because the shelf is too high or looking down for a long time because the table is too low, for example, must be uncomfortable. Not infrequently the consequences can have an impact on the body, such as pain in the back or waist. Therefore, it is very important to measure human posture with portable anthropometry based on international standard so that the industry can design a safe and comfortable work system [1] [2].
International Standard Portable Anthropometry
In measuring the human body posture can not be arbitrary, there are measurement standards that must be followed. One of the international standards related to the measurement of human posture is ISO 7250 [3]. Based on ISO 7250, the dimensions of measuring human body posture have 36 (thirty six) dimensions in standing and sitting positions. When humans stand, there are 11 (eleven) dimensions that are measured. At the time of the sitting position, there are 19 (Nineteen) dimensions that are measured. And there are 6 (six) dimensions that can be measured in a sitting or standing position [3].

To find out the size of the human body posture, it takes the right measuring tool so that it gets accurate and precise measurement results. These results were obtained by using measuring instruments such as a caliper dial with a range of 300 mm and 700 mm and a measuring tape (roll meter) with a range of 3000 mm [3]. Quite a number of measuring instruments are used to measure human posture with this standard. Indonesia itself already has extraordinary products made in the country that can measure the human body posture accurately and precisely.
Solo Abadi Portable Anthropometric Metrisis Calibration Results
The measuring instrument that can be used is the Metrisis portable anthropometry based on international standard produced by PT Solo Abadi Indonesia. The anthropometer produced by PT Solo Abadi Indonesia is practical, has an elegant design, has precise measurements and is easy to carry wherever you need it. The farthest measurement range is 2500 mm with the smallest reading of 1 mm. This tool has a high level of precision with an uncertainty value of ± 1.1 mm, the largest correction value is 0.25 mm when calibrated.

This anthropometer can measure the height, width, and depth between points on the body and a standard reference surface in the standing and sitting positions. This tool has been used in various institutions and companies both domestically and abroad such as Malaysia, UAE, Poland, Hungary, Switzerland, and India.
Solo Abadi Portable Anthropometry Utility
Based on the results of research that has also been disseminated in the 3rd international seminar Borobudur International Symposium on December 15, 2021 online organized by the University of Muhammadiyah Magelang with the title “Dimensional Analysis of Anthropometer Measurement Tools Produced by PT Solo Abadi Indonesia”, this measuring tool is suitable to be used for measuring dimensions of posture and characteristics of the human body where this tool can measure almost all dimensions of the human body in a standing and sitting position properly.
Therefore, the anthropometric measuring instrument international standard produced by PT Solo Abadi Indonesia is highly recommended for measuring the dimensions of posture and human characteristics. Because only one tool can measure almost all dimensions of the human body posture and replace other measuring instruments such as calipers, caliper dial, tape measure ( roller meter), and the anthropometry chair or anthropometric chair.
However, this tool must be adjusted if it is used to measure human posture, especially for Europeans and Americans where the range of 2500 mm can be added to 3000 mm.
[1] M. M. Shahriar, M. S. Parvez, and M. Lutfi, “A survey of hand anthropometry of Bangladeshi agricultural farm workers,” Int. J. Ind. Ergon., vol. 78, no. November 2019, p. 102978, 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.ergon.2020.102978.
[2] H. Castellucci et al., “Applied anthropometry for common industrial settings design: Working and ideal manual handling heights,” Int. J. Ind. Ergon., vol. 78, no. April, 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.ergon.2020.102963.
[3] Y. C. Lee, C. H. Chen, and C. H. Lee, “Body anthropometric measurements of Singaporean adult and elderly population,” Meas. J. Int. Meas. Confed., vol. 148, p. 106949, 2019, doi: 10.1016/j.measurement.2019.106949.
Solo Abadi Working Creatively Serving Sincerely
PT Solo Abadi Indonesia is a company that located in Surakarta, Central Java. Focused in manufacturing field and is the biggest measuring tool producer in Indonesia established since 2005. Products by Solo Abadi such as anthropomethric chair and portable anthropomethry is applicable in several studies, such as health, anthropology, sports, forensic, industrial engineering. Solo Abadi also supports stunting prevention from an early age by providing stunting kit products to monitor baby growth and development, one of the products that is a part of stunting prevention efforts is an infantometer board to measure infants aged from 0 to 2 years.
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Journalist : Aisyah Yuri Oktavania