Standing Desk is considered way much better than the ordinary desk. It is claimed to reduce musculoskeletal pain or fatigue. Turns out, Standing Desk is only beneficial because the concept of adjustable table could adjusted to your height. So, is the ergonomic standing desk overclaim ? the answer might shocked you!
What is Standing Desk ?

Precisely, Standing Desk could not just described as a desk to help you working while standing. Standing Desk is also known as adjustable desk. It is able to adjusted its surface to your height. It is believed can increase human accessibility when working, especially in fields that require broad spatial access such as policing, architecture and customer care.
Standing Desk basically the alternative between sitting and standing by being able to lower or raise the work platform (table). It is designed to reduce the risk of sitting for long periods of time. It is believed, if in our working position alternately standing and sitting, we can vary the position of the body. Therefore, the level of stress on the muscles can be reduced.
Even though in Indonesia, the Standing Desk is remains unfamiliar. However, research by the National Research and Innovation Agency has led there. By strengthening research on the dimensions of the human body or Anthropometry, BRIN is trying to establish Anthropometric standards for table and chair facilities, one of which is a Standing Desk or adjustable desk.
Read More : Anthropometric Dimensions in Making Ergonomic Chair, Important for Product Design!
Is Standing Desk Ergonomic? Let’s return to the original concept of ergonomics
Before concluding whether a standing desk is ergonomic, we need to return to the question, what is ergonomics ? Theoretically, ergonomics is the study of the level of comfort and safety in humans against the surrounding instruments. Both of these factors can increase effectiveness and maximize energy when humans do work. Then, is the standing desk ergonomic?
It should be noted that there are ergonomic principles which serve as indicators to determine whether the product design is ergonomic. The following are indicators for determining ergonomics in product design:
- Working in Neutral Position
- Minimizing fatigue and injury during work
- Unlimited motion accessibility
Then, does working with a standing desk mean we work in a neutral position?
Getting to Know Neutral Position in Ergonomic
Neutral posture is positioning the body so that it has a neutral spine. This position will be reached when the spine is straight, not bent, and the joints are not bent. Neutral posture also creates alignment between your pelvis, rib cage and neck. This neutral position not only affects the spine, but also affects the balance in the body. A neutral work posture can minimize the energy you use while working, so that long-term effects are less likely to occur.
A neutral working position can be achieved under the following conditions :

By following these dimensions, a standing desk can help your body achieve a neutral posture. However, this neutral posture is not fully achieved because the body still puts weight on both arms. So that the tool for leaning needs to be a complement to the standing desk.
Design Ergonomic Standing Desk or Adjustable Desk with Anthropometric Measurements
In recent years, the Government of Indonesia, especially the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), has been intensively conducting research on adjustable desks or what are known as standing desks. Apart from that, BRIN also has a discourse to standardize the dimensions of Indonesians, especially for table and chair products.
One of the important instruments for building an ergonomic standing desk is armed with a sample of group body dimensions in a certain area or known as Anthropometry. The tool for collecting the dimensions of the human body is called Portable Anthropometry.
Portable Anthropometry is the most widely used ergonomic measuring instrument in the Ergonomics and Work Systems Laboratory. This instrument can be used to measure more than 100 dimensions of the human body in two working positions. Working positions in humans themselves consist of sitting and standing positions and face ratios.
With the data generated by Portable Anthropometry, the industry can find out the work environment and supporting instruments that are suitable for the workload so that occupational health and safety can be achieved. This data is then needed in conducting Ergonomics Research. However, before that the researchers needed to collect samples from a particular race in an area. The data that is considered sufficient to represent the average body dimensions can be formed into anthropometric standards.
Portable Anthropometry is the best anthropometric measuring tool for conducting ergonomic research. Portable Anthropometry has 4 types of caliper, namely Sliding Caliper, Small Spreading Caliper, Large Spreading Caliper, Branches Measurement Curves and a set of Anthropometer. The four instruments can be used in various fields, from education, OHS, automotive, to aviation and the military. Ergonomics research needs can be facilitated with a portable anthropometric design that can be carried anywhere.
Get Your Ergonomic Measuring Tools!
Solo Abadi Indonesia fully supports the Government of Indonesia in creating innovations and deepening ergonomics research and applying it to everyday life. As a private sector, we are always open to collaborative ergonomics and anthropometry research to support a good ergonomics ecosystem in Indonesia.
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