Ideal Body of Swimmers, Pay Attention to These Measurements!

The ideal body for swimmers is a fundamental benchmark. Why? Firstly, an athlete’s physical condition significantly impacts performance. Secondly, anthropometry, or body shape, can analyze the required diet program. Third, anthropometry can serve as a reference for athlete selection.

If you observe a swimmer with a very broad chest, long arms, and short legs, can these references be ‘shaped’? Here are the anthropometric characteristics of a swimmer’s body shape that come close to perfection.

Paying attention to anthropometric characteristics means shaping the ideal body shape for swimmers

What is Anthropometry Characteristic ?

The characteristics of athletes’ anthropometry pertain to the measurement of body dimensions and proportions, a factor contingent on the specific sport undertaken. In general, these anthropometric characteristics aim to cultivate athletes with impeccable body proportions.

To elaborate, here are the objectives in identifying athletes’ anthropometric characteristics:

Firstly, for Performance Optimization: The ideal body shape of a swimmer or anthropometric characteristics can significantly influence an athlete’s performance. Considerations such as body proportions, composition, and size play pivotal roles in determining the athlete’s proficiency in executing specific movements or techniques.

Secondly, concerning Specialization in Sports: Different sports encompass distinct physical demands. To excel in a particular sport, athletes may exhibit anthropometric characteristics aligning with the specific requirements of that sport. An illustrative example is the potential contrast in anthropometric characteristics between swimmers and weightlifters.

Moving on, the third aspect is Endurance and Speed: The distribution of body fat, muscle composition, and overall body proportions holds sway over an athlete’s endurance and speed. Anthropometric characteristics that harmonize with the demands of the sport contribute to enhanced movement efficiency, thereby elevating overall athlete performance.

Another crucial facet is Weight Management: Anthropometry serves as a tool for monitoring and managing an athlete’s body weight. Effective weight management assumes paramount importance, particularly in sports that necessitate adherence to specific weight categories or relative strength.

Lastly, Position Selection in the Team: Anthropometric characteristics exert influence over the most fitting role or position for an athlete within a team. Height and arm length, for instance, emerge as critical factors in determining the suitable position for a basketball player.”

Read More :  Identifying the Physical Potential of Prospective Athletes Early on 

What Makes an Ideal Body of Swimmers?

1. Height

The ideal body shape offers swimmers a distinct advantage, notably in height. In televised Olympic events, athletes with taller postures consistently showcase greater speed. On average, competitive swimmers reach 188 cm, with those in the 50m discipline often surpassing 190 cm. The taller physique facilitates swift movement through the water, applicable across all swimming styles.

Ari-Pekka Liukkonen, standing at an impressive height of 2.08 m, is recognized as one of the tallest swimmers globally. He secured the European championship title, showcasing his excellence, particularly due to his remarkable height.

3. Wingspan and The Width of Hand

The term ‘Wingspan’ is commonly employed to denote the width from the right wingtip to the left wingtip or, in simpler terms, the wingspan. In the realm of swimming, Wingspan specifically refers to the width of the hand span. Generally, the hand span aligns with a person’s height. However, in certain instances, particularly among swimmers, the wingspan may surpass their height – a characteristic exemplified by Michael Phelps.

In addition to boasting a substantial wingspan, swimmers derive advantages from having sizable hand and foot dimensions, enhancing the efficiency of their strokes.

To measure Wingspan, hand span, and foot size, a Portable Anthropometry tool becomes indispensable. Outfitted with an Anthropometry Bar and 3 calipers, this tool facilitates not just one but a comprehensive array of 100 Anthropometric measurements.

Learn More About Portable Anthropometry Here! 

4. V-Shape Torso

The V-shaped torso in swimmers is crucial because it provides hydrodynamic advantages with broad shoulders, reducing water resistance. This shape enables stronger propulsion in freestyle and backstroke, accelerating movement. Additionally, it provides stability and balance, especially at high speeds.

Specialized exercises to develop shoulder muscles can strengthen this body shape, offering additional advantages in the water. Although important, success in swimming involves other factors such as technique, strength, and endurance.

Measure the Ideal Body of Swimmers By Using Portable Anthropometry

The Anthropometry Portable comprises various tools, including an anthropometer, small sliding spreading, large spreading caliper, and sliding caliper. Each tool serves a specific function for detailed measurements. The anthropometer is primarily used for vertical body measurements, while the small and large spreading tools are employed for curved or circumferential body measurements, such as head circumference, chest circumference, waist circumference, and so forth. Meanwhile, the sliding caliper is utilized for small-scale vertical measurements, such as palm length, finger length, and others.

The Portable Anthropometry Kit has several advantages, as follows:

  1. Domestic product with the highest quality
  2. Comprises four highly functional tools
  3. Safe and durable due to its stainless steel composition
  4. Easy to carry anywhere due to its flexible form
  5. Can be used to measure 100 dimensions of the human body
  6. Equipped with a manual book and an exclusive storage box

Get the Anthropometry Tool to Measure The Ideal Body of Swimmers, 25% Discount!

Claim your 25% discount for the Anthropometry Tool for Sports Psychology by contacting us via or reaching out on WhatsApp at 08510888111
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