The Halogen Examination Lamp is the most common use in medical procedures. However, alongside halogen lamps, LED lamps have gained considerable traction in operating room settings. Hence, between the two, which option is better for medical interventions?
What Exactly is ‘Medical Examination’?

Medical procedures involve diagnostic and therapeutic actions performed on patients, contingent upon their consent. These interventions are based on the patient’s suspected illness and complaints. Therefore, prior to any medical procedure, it is imperative for the physician to ensure that the patient provides consent, either verbally or in writing.
Now, what constitutes medical procedures?
- Diagnostic or Physical Examination to assess overall health and identify health issues or disease progression
- Administration of medication or injections
- Surgery or surgical procedures
- Physical therapy
- Radiation therapy for medical conditions such as cancer
- Imaging diagnostics using MRI, CT Scan, and X-Ray
- Long-term care
Different health conditions necessitate the use of various medical equipment. However, there is one instrument that is consistently employed in every medical procedure: the Procedure Light.
The Procedure Light is specifically designed to provide optimal illumination during medical procedures. Two common types of procedure lights found in the healthcare field are Halogen Procedure Lights and LED Procedure Lights. Which of these is superior?
What is Halogen Examination Lamp and What’s The Advantage?
Halogen Procedure Lights are lamps that use a tungsten filament surrounded by a casing containing halogen gas. This type of halogen lamp is widely used in various industries ranging from manufacturing, healthcare to automotive. This is because of its sharp focus without impairing vision or causing glare. The light produced by halogen lamps is also clean white.
Due to their bright light, halogen procedure lights are typically use for initial physical diagnostics or minor medical procedures, such as injections. This is because the brighter the light produced, the more heat it generates.
However, the healthcare industry still often opts for halogen lamps for several reasons:
- Used in various medical procedures, especially those not related to surgery
- The relatively affordable price of halogen lamps
- They produce bright light and are highly suitable for medical procedures because they do not produce red and green color biases when used
- The maintenance costs are considerably lower
What is LED Examination Lamp and What the Advantage?

LED Procedure Lights are lamps that use Light Emitting Diode (LED) technology. LED lights are commonly found in surgical lamps because they produce less heat and are energy-efficient. During surgical procedures, healthcare professionals need lights that provide the same brightness as halogen lights but with lower heat and minimal energy consumption. However, LED lights require regular maintenance, which makes the overall cost of using LED lights relatively high.
The advantages of using LED procedure lights include:
- LED lights are more expensive than halogen lights, but they offer a longer lifespan.
- LED lights require regular inspection as their brightness diminishes over time rather than abruptly failing.
- They are energy-efficient, requiring much less power.
Find The Best Halogen Examination Lamp!
PT Solo Abadi Indonesia is a domestic healthcare equipment manufacturing company. Solo Abadi has successfully entered the consolidation of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. Additionally, Solo Abadi’s healthcare products granted with Domestic Component Equipment (AKD), Calibration Certificate, and TKDN (Domestic Component Level) Certificate, which have shown figures above 40%.
PT Solo Abadi Indonesia has distributed to all regions across Indonesia.
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