Know your Ideal baby’s Height and Weight in the First and Second Years!

As most parents know, a baby’s physical growth in the first and second years can affect how the baby’s body grows into adulthood. You must be wondering whether the growth and development of your little one are considered normal ? One of the benchmarks that we can see is the baby’s height and weight. Regularly …

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Pregnancy in Adolescence, Can It Have an Impact on Stunting? A Young Mother Needs To Know.

Stunting can occur due to malnutrition during pregnancy until the child is two years old. However, the occurrence of stunting is closely related to early pregnancy or adolescence. We see that nowadays there are many cases of early marriage due to the factor of getting pregnant first. As we know, many teenagers aged 15-19 years …

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Do This Routinely, Children Are Stunting-Free Since the Early Days of Pregnancy!

Stunting is a condition of failure to grow during the first 1000 days of life. This results in children having short stature compared to their peers. Stunting prevention can begin during pregnancy. Because, the provision of nutrients was important at that time. However, some people think that stunting prevention begins at the time the child …

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3 Anthropometric Techniques in Nursing Study! Essential For Clinical Practice!

Anthropometry in nursing is one of the basic skills that must be possessed by every medical personnel. There are 3 anthropometric techniques in nursing clinical skills called direct measurements. So these are 3 Anthropometric Techniques for Nursing Centre! Understanding the Importance of Clinical Skills Clinical Skills is one of the laboratory studies carried out by …

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4 Ways to Measure Your Child Anthropometry!

Often cases of stunting or failure to thrive in children are associated with the child’s anthropometry. It aims to monitor the growth and development of children up to the age of 2 years. Children’s anthropometry can be measured through measurements of body weight, body length or height as well as upper arm and head circumference. …

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