10 Latest Posyandu Cadre Development Materials in 2024

In 2024, coaching Posyandu cadres is a very important aspect in improving the quality of public health services. In order to respond to increasingly complex health challenges, the Indonesian Ministry of Health (MOH) has formulated 10 new coaching materials that are tailored to the latest developments in the world of health. These materials are designed to provide Posyandu cadres with deeper knowledge, skills and understanding. 

So here are 10 materials for the 2024 Posyandu Cadre Development that you need to know, check it out!

The Role of Posyandu Cadres in Improving Public Health

Posyandu cadres have a very important role in efforts to improve public health at the village or neighborhood level. They become health counseling agents who provide information about healthy lifestyles, good nutrition, and how to prevent diseases to the community directly. In addition, Posyandu cadres also conduct health monitoring activities by periodically measuring body weight, height, upper arm circumference, and blood pressure. With data collected and monitored regularly, Posyandu cadres are able to provide relevant information and take necessary health actions, making Posyandu cadres the frontline in maintaining community health and welfare.

Here are the 10 most recent Posyandu cadre coaching materials

1. Health Checks for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Mothers

Material that can be delivered:

  • The importance of conducting regular health checks during pregnancy.
  • Fetal monitoring techniques and early detection of health problems.
  • Healthy diet and nutritional intake required during pregnancy.
  • Labor preparation and postpartum care.
  • Breastfeeding readiness and the benefits of breast milk for mother and baby.

2. Infant and Toddler Nutrition Counseling

Materials that can be delivered:

  • Balanced nutrition for infants and toddlers.
  • Complementary feeding and healthy eating.
  • Cooking and processing techniques for nutritious food.
  • Signs of malnutrition and how to overcome them.
  • How to make interesting and nutritious food menus for children.

3. Immunization counseling

Materials that can be delivered:

  • The right immunization schedule according to the age of the child.
  • The benefits of immunization in preventing infectious diseases.
  • Types of vaccines given and their safety.
  • Management of immunization side effects that may occur.
  • How to know when a child needs additional immunization.

4. Anthropometric Measurement

Materials that can be delivered:

  • The meaning and importance of measuring weight, height, and upper arm circumference.
  • How to read and interpret the results of anthropometric measurements.
  • Criteria for healthy and normal child growth.
  • Causes of stunting and steps to prevent it.
  • Actions that need to be taken in case of nutritional problems in children.

5. School Age and Adolescent Counseling

Materials that can be delivered:

  • The importance of maintaining personal and environmental hygiene.
  • Healthy diet and the importance of breakfast.
  • The positive impact of regular exercise on physical and mental health.
  • The dangers of smoking, alcohol and drugs.
  • Information on physical and emotional changes in adolescents.

6. Productive Age Skills

Materials that can be delivered:

  • Explanation of the reproductive system in men and women.
  • Various contraceptive methods available.
  • Benefits and side effects of each contraceptive method.
  • The importance of consulting with a health professional before choosing a contraceptive method.
  • Information on the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and how they are transmitted.

7. Elderly Health Counseling

Materials that can be delivered:

  • Healthy diet and nutritional intake for the elderly.
  • Appropriate physical activity to maintain health.
  • Routine health checks that need to be done.
  • Signs of common diseases in the elderly and how to handle them.
  • Fitness programs and social activities to improve the quality of life of the elderly.

8. Family planning counseling

Materials that can be delivered:

  • Types of family planning methods available and how they work.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of each family planning method.
  • How to use family planning tools correctly and safely.
  • The importance of consulting a health professional before choosing a family planning method.
  • Rights and responsibilities in using family planning and the importance of family planning.

9. Communication Skills with the Community

Materials that can be delivered:

  • Effective communication techniques in health counseling.
  • The importance of listening and understanding the needs of the community.
  • How to deliver health information in a clear and understandable manner.
  • Use of appropriate and friendly language when interacting with the community.
  • Motivating the community to change unhealthy behavior towards a better lifestyle.

10. Health Data Management

Materials that can be delivered:

  • How to record and manage health data accurately.
  • The importance of hygiene and security of health data.
  • Use of information technology in health data management.
  • Creating periodic health reports for program evaluation and planning.Benefits of health data analysis in decision making and service improvement.

New Challenges in Coaching Posyandu Cadres

  • Public awareness of the benefits of Posyandu is still low.
  • Limited access to technology for Posyandu cadres.
  • Health data management is not efficient and accurate.
  • Posyandu cadres need further training in technology and maternal-child health.
  • Challenges in using new tools such as anthropometry kits.
  • Ineffective communication in disseminating information about Posyandu.
  • Low compliance with health regulations.
  • Changes in health policies that affect Posyandu service delivery methods.

Strategies for Implementing More Efficient Coaching Materials for Posyandu Cadres

The implementation of more efficient coaching materials for Posyandu cadres can be done through various focused and measurable strategies. First, there is a need for intensive and regular training to ensure cadres have a deep understanding of the latest materials. This training can be conducted both in person and online, utilizing increasingly sophisticated information technology. In addition, capacity building through workshops, seminars and group discussions can also be an effective means to improve cadres’ knowledge and skills in providing optimal health services.

One strategy that should not be missed is the use of efficient and accurate anthropometry kits. In this case, products from Solo Abadi can be the right choice. Anthropometry kits produced by Solo Abadi have proven to be of high quality and reliable because they have the following excellent specifications: 

  • Consists of 6 complete kits, namely Adult Scales, Baby Scales, Stadiometer, Infantometer, LILA Tape, and Storage Bag.Accurate measurements with premium quality materials
  • Has been supported and recommended by the Indonesian Ministry of Health
  • AKD and TKDN certified 
  • High portability so it can be used in various locations and situations.
  • Easy to use without the need for specialized knowledge or high technical skills.
  • Relatively easy care and maintenance
  • Equipped with a parachute storage bag that ensures the product remains durable and safe.

By using an adequate anthropometry kit, Posyandu cadres can take accurate measurements of height, weight, upper arm circumference (LILA), and other parameters. This will be very helpful in monitoring the growth and development of children and the elderly who are the focus of the Posyandu program. Get this Anthropometry kit product by contacting our official Whatsapp or can check through our E-Catalog for product details!

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Created by : Dea Ayu Permata Sari (Applied Communication, Sebelas Maret University)

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