Know what is elderly IEC? IEC stands for communication, information, and education intended for the elderly. To maintain the health of the elderly to be healthy and fit, a health center for the elderly is intended for the elderly. So, what are the highlights of the elderly IEC activities? What are the materials? Check it out until the end of the following article!

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What is KIE Seniors?
Before getting to know about the elderly KIE, we first know about the elderly posyandu. Posyandu lansia is a health service center intended for the elderly in one particular area. Often the elderly are affected by hypertension, arthritis, stroke, dental and oral problems, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, to diabetes mellitus. With the existence of the elderly posyandu, it can be expected to be a monitor of disease disorders in the elderly. Because the elderly very rarely monitor their health disorders regularly.
Health education is a form of activity that targets the elderly to have an important role in maintaining the health of the elderly. This activity includes training provided by posyandu cadres to carry out elderly health services. One of the training activities is through communication, information, and education (KIE).
The purpose of this activity is to educate cadres about degenerative diseases to provide counseling to the elderly on awareness for early detection. This is done to reduce the morbidity and mortality rate of chronic diseases. In addition, health education through KIE is also a medium for cadres to improve their skills in caring for the elderly.
Counseling Material for Elderly KIE
For the health education program through the elderly KIE to run pleasantly and easily understood for the elderly, here are IEC counseling materials that can be used as a reference for each region.
1. Application of clean and healthy living behavior for the elderly
To maintain the health of the elderly, it is very important to apply healthy and clean living behaviors. The application of this habit can be done by:
- Get closer to God Almighty.
- Maintain body hygiene by bathing regularly 2 times a day.
- Maintain dental and oral hygiene by routinely rubbing gisi 2 times a day.
- Stay away from cigarette smoke and addictive substances, and do not drink alcohol.
- Maintain adequate rest and manage stress well.
2. Apply balanced nutritional food consumption
One of the characteristics of entering the elderly is a decrease in appetite which can have an impact on health problems. For this reason, it is very important to apply the consumption of balanced nutritional foods. How to implement balanced eating for the elderly as follows:
- Many consume staple foods such as brown rice, corn, sweet potatoes, cassava, sago, potatoes, taro, breadfruit, vermicelli, noodles, and wheat bread.
- Consume lots of vegetables, protein, and fruits. Examples of the consumption of vegetables such as spinach, kale, carrots, broccoli, yellow pumpkin, chayote, and vegetables. For fruit can consume papaya, bananas, sweet oranges, avocados, and apples. Also for protein can consume beef liver, chicken liver, chicken meat, beef, and fish.
- Get used to drinking enough water. It is recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
- Reduce consumption of sweet, salty, to fatty foods.
- Make it a habit to eat breakfast.
Disease disorders that attack the elderly are caused by one of them is a poor and unbalanced diet. For example, often consuming predominantly salty foods can cause hypertension or high blood pressure. For that, make it a habit to reduce the consumption of salty foods.

3. The importance of physical activity for the elderly
It is very important to maintain physical activity for the elderly. Physical activity is a body movement in increases energy and energy. Examples of activities such as gardening, sweeping, cleaning the house, and playing with grandchildren. In addition to physical activity, it must also be accompanied by regular physical exercise. Examples of activities such as gymnastics, brisk walking, jogging, cycling, and swimming. The benefits of physical activity and exercise include:
- Improves flexibility and balance of the body.
- Improves the body’s metabolism.
- Strengthens bone mass such as reducing chronic joint pain in the waist, back, and knees.
- Improve the work and function of the fetus, lungs, and blood vessels.
- Boosts immunity.
- Improves psychological well-being and self-confidence.
- Can control stress, anxiety, and depression.
4. Routinely do a physical health examination
Activities that can be done in elderly IECs are routine health checks. Regular health checks such as checking hypertension, blood sugar, and diabetes, to anthropometric physical examinations. Routine health checks can monitor and monitor physical health for the elderly. This physical health examination can be done at puskesmas, hospitals, to the nearest health clinic.
Read More: Guide to Proper Anthropometric Measurements and Their Tools!
Anthropometric Kit Ready for Elderly KIE Health Examination
This is a recommendation for supporting tools in KIE health examination activities for the elderly, namely anthropometry kits. Anthropometry is an instrument for measuring the dimensions of the human body, including height to weight. The following anthropometric tools in elderly health checks are highly recommended by the Ministry of Health, namely the Anthropometric Metric Kit from PT Solo Abadi Indonesia. The Metrisis Anthropometry Kit Package contains:

- Stadiometer (height measuring instrument)
- Infantometer board
- LILA (upper arm and head circumference measuring instrument)
- Digital weight scale
- Digital baby weight scale
- Storage bag
You can easily get the Metrisis Anthropometry Kit Package through our E-Catalog storefront. You can also negotiate prices with us through our WhatsApp Admin. Tell us your needs and negotiate the best offer with us. Stay up to date with us at
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