Surakarta, PT. SOLO ABADI INDONESIA – Solo Abadi was once again given the opportunity to share knowledge and discuss “Work Culture and Product Manufacturing”, Solo Abadi Discussion with Mikael Vocational School on Saturday (11/23/2021) at the Al Azhar Azhima Hotel Solo.
With the enthusiasm to be useful for the community, Solo Abadi delivered discussion material with Mikael Vocational School. This activity is expected to raise the spirit of others to create a more integrated education while still holding fast to. This is in line with the expectations and sentiments that we shared with SMK Mikael, represented by Mr. Bayu Prabandono as the moderator of the discussion.
“After seeing the contents of the power point (presentation material) of PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia, the Solo Abadi Indonesia team became a solution for how to create creative products,” said the ATMI Polytechnic lecturer.
The discussion went smoothly without any problems with the high enthusiasm of the Mikael Vocational School at the Al Azhar Hotel Solo. The discussion activity was attended by as many as 15 to 20 participants including teachers and staff.
The activity starts at 8 am and ends at 10 am. The material submitted by the owner of PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia Mr. Dian Untoro is a light material so the discussion is relaxed and not stiff. Even the material is also decorated with jokes and laughter. Even so, the material remains solid by emphasizing the culture that exists at PT Solo Abadi Indonesia, that our company upholds the belief to make eternal solo a place to play and not a battlefield.
“Humans are humans, because if the robot is really good, sir, they are told to stop here, for example, if the CNC tilts at F5 it stops F5, Z6 stops Z6. Because he has orders, namely his brain and sensors. If humans are the sensors of the mind, His brain rules, his heart is the sensor,” concluded the owner of Solo Abadi.
We hope that this event can be a new breakthrough and motivation for SMK Mikael to continue to innovate in continuing its work in the world of education. Solo Abadi is very grateful to be trusted to share our experiences in discussions with Mikael Vocational School, hopefully Solo Abadi can continue to provide good service to the community and in advancing Indonesian education. The following is an excerpt from the excitement of the Solo Abadi discussion with Mikael Vocational School:
Solo Abadi Creatively Working, Sincerely Serving
PT Solo Abadi Indonesia is a company that located in Surakarta, Central Java. Focused in manufacturing field and is the biggest measuring tool producer in Indonesia established since 2005. Products by Solo Abadi such as anthropomethric chair and portable anthropomethry is applicable in several studies, such as health, anthropology, sports, forensic, industrial engineering. Solo Abadi also supports stunting prevention from an early age by providing stunting kit products to monitor baby growth and development, one of the products that is a part of stunting prevention efforts is an infantometer board to measure infants aged from 0 to 2 years.
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Journalist : Aisyah Yuri Oktavania