Often we hear foreign terms when reading manuals or manuals on anthropometric measurements. Yesterday we talked about biacromial in anthropometric measurements, and fully understood the application of biacromial measurements. Now is the time for us to learn a new term, namely glabella in anthropometric measurements.
Get to know Anthropometry
Anthropometry or measurement of human dimensions is a term derived from the Ancient Greek words “anthros” which means human and “metron” which means measurement. In terms of anthropometry is the study of the measurement, shape, and strength of the human body. The Anthropometric practice involves the collection, analysis, and application of anthropometric data.
Anthropometry itself can be classified into two types, as follows:
1. Static anthropometry

2. Dynamic anthropometry
Dynamic anthropometry is a measurement made to see the dimensions of the human body in a dynamic or moving state. These measurements include turning the steering wheel, lifting weights, and swinging hands.
Therefore, anthropometry is very close to human daily life. This then makes anthropometry and ergonomics always related to designing a product. Ergonomics is the study of human behavior in their work. Anthropometric measurement guidelines are usually divided into three positions, namely standing position, sitting position, and facial anthropometry. Each measurement has a different measuring dimension.
Dimensions of Face Anthropometry

The measurement of the facial area turns out to have a number of dimensions that are important to consider for certain purposes. Such as applications in work systems or certain product designs that are used on the face. The following are the anthropometric dimensions of the facial area:
- Head Length, measures the distance between the outermost back side of the subject’s head to the front outermost size (glabella)
- Head Height, is a measurement of the distance between the bottom of the chin to the top of the subject’s head.
- Eye Chin Height, is the calculation between the bottom of the chin to the inner eye.
- Eye-to-Eye Width is a measurement between the center of the left eye and the center of the right eye.
Glabella in Anthropometric Measurement
The glabella is the smooth part of the forehead above the nose and between the eyebrows. The glabella is used as a benchmark in anthropometric measurements of head length, namely the distance between the glabella (the most anterior point on the forehead between the backs of the eyebrows) and the occiput (back of the head) in the midline.

Application of this measurement is usually used to be a reference datum location of the eye which is located about 20mm behind the glabella. In addition, the measurement of head length is also used to find the ideal size to make a hat or head protector such as a helmet.
The Most Accurate Anthropometric Measuring Tool
The results of anthropometric measurements for orthopedics must be accurate and precise. Therefore, a measuring instrument is needed that supports these accurate results. Here is a selection of the best measuring tools that can be used:
Portable Anthropometry Kit for Medical Schools
Metritis – Portable anthropometry by Solo Abadi Indonesia is an anthropometric measuring instrument derived from the anthropometric chair which is packaged in a portable form, with the aim that the measuring instrument can be moved or carried anywhere easily. As an innovation, portable anthropometry can be used to measure up to more than 100 dimensions of the human body.
The function of this tool is to carry out anthropometric measurements that are carried out carefully and prioritize the accuracy of the data. This instrument offers measurement capabilities of up to 100 measurements. In addition, its portable form makes this tool can be used unlimited time and done anywhere.
Anthropometric kits from SOLO ABADI have been sent to various departments in Indonesia. Currently, 8 Portable Anthropometry kits from SOLO ABADI have been used, one of which is the Department of Medicine, Islamic University of Indonesia. The following are the details of the Anthropometry Portable Kit product.
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