Ergonomics is a science that applies the suitability of tools to human activities. If the equipment and movement of human activities do not match, it can endanger workers. This work hazard is called an ergonomic hazard. Then, what is an ergonomic hazard? Here’s the explanation.

Understanding Ergonomic Hazard
Ergonomic hazard or ergonomic hazard is a hazard caused by the incompatibility of work activities, use of work facilities, and the work environment to cause work injuries or diseases. According to the Commission on Health and Safety and Workers Compensation (2010), ergonomic hazards can be caused by several risk factors, including:
1. Repetitive motion (repetition)
Is a movement that is carried out repeatedly that can injure workers. To reduce this, a redesign task is needed, which is to increase rest periods to be able to do different jobs.
2. Awkward posture
Is a posture in a position of bending, kneeling, or squatting, for a long time. The right solution to reduce this is to design equipment to keep the body in a neutral position and minimize movement.
3. Forceful motion
It is an excessive pulling, stomping, pushing, and lifting movement. The right solution to reduce this is to reduce these activities and also use mechanical assistance.

4. Stationary position
Is an activity that is done in a position that is too long so that it causes fatigue in the muscles and joints. The solution redesigned the task to reduce the stationary position to change position.
5. Direct presure
Is direct contact between the body with edges or hard surfaces. The solution designs tools and equipment to relieve pressure or provide bearing materials.
6. Vibration
Is equipment that emits vibrations. The solution that can be done is to protect the hands or body from vibration directly. In addition, the equipment with maintenance to be maintained in good condition.
7. Extreme temperature
It is a condition of working in temperatures that are too hot or cold. Hot conditions can increase fatigue, while cold can decrease taste, blood flow, and strength. The right solution to reduce such conditions is to control temperature, protect the body with appropriate clothing, and provide air conditioning.
8. Work stress
It is a condition caused by not optimal rest, monotonous tasks, being chased by targets, poor work organization, and poor supervision. The right solution is to set a reasonable workload and provide adequate rest.
Impact of Hazard Ergonomics on Workers
The condition of workers who experience ergonomic hazards in the long term will hurt their health. The following impacts can be caused as follows:
- Frequent back and neck pain. As a result of poor posture and pressure on the spine can cause back and neck pain.
- Disorders of the nerves. As a result, repetitive movements can cause nerve disorders such as tingling or numbness in the hands and feet.
- Disorders in the muscles. As a result of muscle pressure, repetitive movements can cause muscle disorders such as carpal tunnel syndrome, namely being or inflammation, pain, numbness, to tingling.

Read More: Understanding ‘Ergonomic Stress’ in Work! The Problems and Solutions.
Selling Anthropometric Measuring Instruments for the Application of Ergonomics
Here we recommend measuring instruments that can be used for the application of ergonomics, namely Anthropometric Chairs and Complete Set Series. Both tools can be used to measure the dimensions of the human body. Here’s for the details!
Anthropometric Chair
The Anthropometric Chair is a measuring instrument used to measure the dimensions of the human body up to 34 measurements. This tool can reach measurements in sitting, standing, the face areas. Made of stainless steel which is certainly a sturdy and strong tool. For details, you can contact us via WhatsApp. Or you can click the ASK FOR PRICE link to get a quote.
Anthropometry Portable Complete Set Series
The Anthropometry Portable Complete Set Series is a derivative of the portable version of the Anthropometry Chair. This tool can measure up to 100 dimensions of the human body. Made of strong and sturdy stainless steel. Equipped with a suitcase of tool storage. If you are interested in this tool, please contact us via WhatsApp. You also fill in the ASK FOR PRICE link to get a quote.