The importance of Knowing the Normal Head Circumference, Here’s How!

The head circumference of infants and children is an important indicator of growth and development. Understanding normal head circumference is the first step in monitoring health and identifying potential growth problems. In this article, we will discuss why knowing the normal head circumference is important, as well as how to take the measurement correctly.

Why is knowing the normal head circumference important?

  1. Brain Growth Indicator: Head circumference is a reflection of brain growth. A proper measurement can provide clues about the cognitive development and brain health of an infant or child.
  2. Early Detection of Growth Problems: Significant changes in head circumference can be an early sign of growth or developmental problems. Careful monitoring can help detect disorders early.
  3. Comparison with Growth Standards: Knowing the normal head circumference allows us to compare it with established growth standards. This helps identify if the child is within a healthy growth range.
  4. General Health Monitoring: Normal head circumference is part of general health monitoring. By understanding the normal standards, parents and health professionals can work together to keep the child healthy.

How to Measure Head Circumference Correctly

Necessary Equipment

  • Baby measuring tape or special flexible ruler.
  • A recording sheet to record the measurement results.

Positioning of the Infant or Child

Infants should lie comfortably on a bed or table.
Older children can sit or stand upright.

Measurement Location

  • Position the measuring tape at the widest part of the head, above the eyebrows and around the back of the skull.

Measurement Process

  • Make sure the tape measure or ruler is at the correct point above the eyebrows.
  • Tighten the tape measure, but make sure that it is not too tight so that it can create distortion in the measurement.

Record Results

  • Record the measurement results in centimeters.
  • Use the recording sheet provided or the child health app if available.

When to Take Measurements?

  • Newborn: Head circumference measurements are usually taken soon after birth as part of the newborn examination.
  • Routine Health Visits: Normal head circumference will continue to be monitored at each routine health visit, especially during periods of rapid growth.
  • Unusual Growth: If there are concerns about a child’s growth or development, measurements may be taken more frequently.
  • When There Are Health Symptoms: If there are unusual health or developmental symptoms, measurements can help in further medical assessment.

Knowing the normal head circumference and taking regular measurements is an important part of monitoring a child’s health. Parents, caregivers, and health professionals can work together to ensure that a child’s growth and development are going well. Do not hesitate to consult your pediatrician if you have any concerns or questions regarding your child’s growth.

Recommended Child Head Circumference Measurement Tool

One of the children’s head circumference measurement tools that has been recommended by the Ministry of Health is the Lila Tape produced by Solo Abadi, which has been used by more than 1000 Posyandu throughout Indonesia. The practicality of use makes the Lila Tape produced by Solo Abadi one of the best sellers on the market.

Get Solo Abadi’s Lila Ribbon now with a special offer by filling out an ask for price or can contact Whatsapp for more detailed information.

Read More: Sampai Usia Kapan Anak Harus Ke Posyandu? Bunda Harus Tahu Nih!

Created by: Dea Ayu Permata Sari (Applied Communication, Sebelas Maret University)

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