Surakarta, PT Solo Abadi Indonesia – Solo Abadi is again presenting a discussion of the merdeka curriculum at the vocational education table. This time we invited the Head of School from SMK N 2 Surakarta, Mr. Sugiyarso S.Pd. M.Pd. in a discussion about merdeka curriculum that took place on Wednesday (26/10/2022) at the PT Solo Abadi Indonesia podcast studio. The discussion aims to provide an overview and views from various perspectives regarding the implementation of the merdeka curriculum in education in general, and vocational education in particular.
Also Read : Contribute to the World of Education, Solo Abadi Collaborates with Drs. Sigit Martopo M.Pd in a Discussion About Merdeka Curriculum
Solo Abadi specifically highlighted the implementation of the merdeka curriculum at SMK N 2 Surakarta, which was touted as the SMK Center of Excellence. Where in practice it is used as a model for other vocational high schools. This discussion discusses how Mr. Sugiyarso S.Pd. M.Pd. as the Principal who is in charge of teaching activities at SMK N 2 Surakarta.
The figure who has been in the world of education for 26 years explained his hopes and expectations from the merdeka curriculum. The merdeka curriculum itself is a curriculum that is projected to be “student-centric”, where students actively seek sources of knowledge. Different from the previous curriculum, in the merdeka curriculum there is a diagnostic assessment. Based on Mr. Sugiyarso’s diagnostic assessment, an assessment was carried out to identify the characteristics, conditions of competence, to the weaknesses and strengths of the student learning model. So that educators can position themselves to determine the right learning model with the characteristics of students.
As an innovation should be, Mr. Sugiyarso also stated the obstacles that accompanied the implementation of the merdeka curriculum. There are limitations to a number of educators in digitalization being one of them. Even so, Mr. Sugiyarso emphasized his commitment to realizing education that was adapted to the era and era as expected by the Father of Indonesian Education, Ki Hajar Dewantara.
Solo Abadi as the IDUKA party fully supports the educational design, of course according to our role. The reason is by investing in education, then we have invested for a brighter future. We hope that our small steps to accommodate the minds of educators can bring change and inspiration to society in general and educators in particular. Victorious Indonesia Education!
Solo Abadi Working Creatively, Serving Sincerely!
About PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia
PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia is a company located in Surakarta, Central Java. Engaged in manufacturing and is the largest producer of portable stadiometer, infantometer board, anthropometric chair and stunting kit in Indonesia, which was established in 2005. Solo Abadi products can be applied in various fields of science such as health, anthropology, forensics, industrial engineering, product design, academia, to the military. We hope that we can continue to contribute to advancing the domestic industry by offering certified and licensed products for distribution.
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