Surakarta, PT Solo Abadi Indonesia – As a representative from the World of Industry and the World of Work (IDUKA) PT Solo Abadi Indonesia was involved in the alignment of the curriculum for WARGA VOCATIONAL SCHOOL OF SURAKARTA. The discussion was held in the Principal’s Meeting Room on Tuesday (13/09/2022). and was attended by approximately 20 people including teachers, school supervisors, and also the PT Solo Abadi Indonesia team.
The agenda was opened by remarks from Mr. Darmanta, M.M. as school principal. In his remarks he mentioned his hope in the implementation of the curriculum alignment agenda. “The hope is to be able to link and match so that it is real and real… there is synchronization of the school curriculum with industry,” he explained.
Furthermore, before starting the main event, namely curriculum alignment, directions from the school supervisor, Drs. Sigit Martopo M.Pd. In this directive he conveyed 8 points that the government expected from the existence of an independent curriculum. These points include the following :
- Synchronization of school curricula with industry
- Project-based learning (making products worth selling, not just learning practices.
- Upgrading teacher competence, the third
- Children will also be affected through prakerin / street vendors. Street vendors at least 6 months for 1 industry (Ministry of Education and Culture regulations). Unfortunately, the number of industries and schools is not comparable. So divided into 2 batches (class 11 and class 12)
- Infrastructure upgrades.
- The school has a QC (Quality Control) team before mass distribution.
- Cooperation with industry sharpened
- Schools have an obligation to hold work titles. Independent curriculum – schools are given the freedom to provide innovation under integrated government monitoring.
He also touched on the automotive sector a bit, mentioning the government’s hope of achieving zero emission by 2040, no longer using fossil fuels. Also encouraging the SMK to be able to give birth to students to become pioneers in making electric fuel vehicles.

After the direction, the agenda then continued with the alignment of the joint curriculum between the Surakarta WARGA Vocational School and the IDUKA PT Solo Abadi Indonesia. The discussion went well without any problems, PT Solo Abadi Indonesia provided a number of inputs and expressed a willingness to contribute as a guest teacher.
Solo Abadi is very grateful for the opportunity given by SMK Warga Surakarta. We hope that the involvement of the industry, in this case PT Solo Abadi Indonesia, can present a breakthrough for education at the Surakarta Citizen Vocational School. For the sake of creating a golden generation in the future, giving birth to young entrepreneurs who are full of innovation! Long live Indonesian education!
Solo Abadi Working Creatively, Serving Sincerely!
About PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia
PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia is a company located in Surakarta, Central Java. Engaged in manufacturing and is the largest producer of portable stadiometer, infantometer board, anthropometric chair and stunting kit in Indonesia, which was established in 2005. Solo Abadi products can be applied in various fields of science such as health, anthropology, forensics, industrial engineering, product design, academia, to the military. We hope that we can continue to contribute to advancing the domestic industry by offering certified and licensed products for distribution.
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