Stunting is the main problem that is become the main concern of the Indonesian government. Stunting is a child’s growth and development disorder that is caused by some factors, such as malnutrition, infection, or inadequate stimulation. Some factors that cause it, are the lack of nutrition and the environmental situations.

Children are said to stunt if the child’s height is lower than the height of friends his age due to growth disorders due to nutritional problems. Then, can stunting occur in children with normal parental height? Check out the following explanation.
Understand the Causes of Stunting in Children
Stunting in children is generally caused by a lack of nutrients or nutritional intake in the womb so that the child’s growth and development becomes inhibited. The condition seen in stunting children is a short posture compared to friends his age. However, please note that short children are not necessarily stunting, but stunting children are certainly short. So parents need to understand the causes of stunting in children including:
1. Lack of nutritional intake during pregnancy

Lack of nutritional intake during pregnancy can affect the growth of children in the womb so that it can cause stunting in children born equal to 1000 days of life. It is stated by the World Health Organization (WHO) that about 20% of stunting occurs in children since the womb due to lack of nutritious and quality. Therefore, it is very important to provide adequate nutrition during pregnancy.
2. Nutrition in children is not fulfilled
When the child is under 2 years old it is very important to provide adequate and nutritious nutrition. If at this age the child’s nutrition is not fulfilled, it can result in stunting such as inappropriate breastfeeding, and less quality breast milk companion food (MPASI). In these conditions, the need for food intake containing protein, minerals zinc (zinc), and iron can be met.
3. Lack of maternal knowledge about nutrition before pregnancy, during pregnancy, and childbirth

A pregnant women needs to know about the nutrients and nutrients she consumes to support the growth and development of the baby. If a mother does not know about the nutrition she consumes can cause the growth of children to be slow so that stunting can occur.
4. Limited access to health services, especially pregnancy and postnatal services (after childbirth)
In Indonesia, there are still areas that are left behind, where this area lacks health services. In addition to providing care to sick children and pregnant women, health workers are also needed to provide knowledge about nutrition for pregnant women and children in the early days of their lives.
5. Lack of access to clean water and sanitation
Lack of access to clean water and difficulty in poor sanitation can lead to stunting in children. The use of unclean well water used for cooking or drinking to the lack of availability of latrines or kaskus is the cause of many infections. In addition, it also increases the risk of diarrhea and intestinal worm infections (worms).

These are some of the causes of stunting in children. Then, can parents with their children’s normal height be stunted? The answer is yes. Because stunting occurs because malnutrition or lack of nutrients provided to children are poorly fulfilled. Although the height of the child’s mother is normal, the nutrition obtained by the child is less can result in stunting.
The importance of fulfilling nutrients such as protein intake in the first 1000 days of life or the age of children less then 2 years of age is an indicator in the growth and development of children. In addition, parents must also provide adequate and nutritious MPASI to children.
Indicators in detecting stunting children can be through measurements that include weight, body length, and height. So it is highly recommended at the age of children less than 2 years, monitoring the child’s body periodically through measurements is needed to know the detection of stunting early.
Sell Quality Stunting Packages
To detect stunting early in children younger than 2 years of age can be through an infantometer or stadiometer. PT Solo Abadi Indonesia is the largest manufacturer of medical devices in Indonesia. One of the brands of PT Solo Abadi Indonesia is stunting kit, a brand used to detect stunting early on. This stunting kit consists of a body measuring device, a height gauge, and a gauge of head circumference and arm circumference.
The stunting kit produced by PT Solo Abadi Indonesia has several advantages, namely:
- 100% products made in Indonesia.
- Proper and accurate measuring instruments.
- By the needs of today’s society.
- Very affordable prices.
- Equipped with storage bags.
- Design tools that are practical and facilitate health workers.
- There are a variety of options.
If your posyandu is interested in having a stunting kit package from PT Solo Abadi Indonesia? You can directly visit our marketplace at Shopee, Tokopedia, and Bukalapak. You can also consult for FREE through our WhatsApp. Don’t forget to visit our website on Solo Abadi or our social media on Instagram. Don’t forget to also see product details through our YouTube account, don’t forget to subscribe too!! Solo Abadi, Creative Work Sincerely Serves.
Read more important article, Long Term Effect of Stunting on Children’s Cognitive Ability.