Production and Machinery is the core of our company, consisting of human resources who are experts in their respective fields with a great experience. Our company strives to maintain the quality of the products we produce and the accuracy of making every product we produce through Production and Machining. That is why, for us, this work has an essential role in the company’s development. In Production and Machining, itself there are several fields of work including:
- CNC operator
- CNC programmer
- Engineering Design
As for some job descriptions in Production and Machining are as follows:
- Build and develop manufacturing machines.
- Designing machine processes and mechanical products in the manufacturing industry.
- Perform Maintenance and Product Quality
- Design and manufacture components and manufactured products with conventional and CNC machines
- PPIC (Production Planning Inventory Control)
Some of the diploma and undergraduate courses that we need are as follows:
- Industrial Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Industrial Mechanical Engineering
- Mechanical & Mechanical Design Engineering
- Manufacturing Technology Engineering
Interested in joining as an Intern in Production and Machinery? Connect directly with us by clicking on the following link: