Learn Anthropometric Aspects in Designing Massage Chair

Massage chairs are one of the relaxation facilities that we often encounter in shopping centers, terminals and other public places. The goal is none other than to provide practical massage services. But aren’t you curious buddy solid? How do massage chairs provide comfort, and often massage at the right point on our body? This is certainly not far from the role of anthropometry in the design or design of massage chair. So how does anthropometry play a role? Let’s peel it off!

Introduction to Anthropometry

The term anthropometry or measurement of body dimensions is adapted from the Ancient Greek anthropos which means human and metron which means size. The dimensions of the human body in question start from bone, muscle and fat tissue. Anthropometry is a part of ergonomics which is specialized in studying body size.

Anthropometry is widely applied in a fairly broad scope of science, one of which is used in designing furniture.

Anthropometry on Massage Chair

Body pain is certainly unavoidable, especially for workers in the office and outdoors who spend a lot of time doing activities for hours. For this reason, sometimes relaxation through massage is needed. Nowadays massage can not only be done by coming to a massage clinic, but can be done by sitting in a massage chair which is more practical and flexible without having to reserve a massage place.

massage chair anthropometry
Source : Unsplash.com

Having a massage chair at home can also be a form of health investment that is very beneficial for body fitness. The massage chair can perform its role to the fullest because the massage chair is specially designed to massage the reflex points on the body. Therefore, anthropometry or the dimensions of the human body plays a role in the principles of designing a massage chair.

Benefits of Massage Chair Use

Maybe many of you have used a massage chair but are not aware of the significance and benefits of the massage chair. Here are the benefits of using a massage chair:

  1. Relaxation
  2. Relieve body pain
  3. Improve sleep quality
  4. Relax tense muscles
  5. Streamlining blood flow

To achieve these benefits, of course a massage chair is needed that really pays attention to Anthropometry so that it can work optimally.

The Importance of Anthropometry in Designing a Massage Chair

As previously explained, a massage chair can function optimally if the reflexology point is right. This is where anthropometry plays an important role, if the design of a massage chair does not pay attention to the anthropometry of the human body, of course the purpose of relaxation and other benefits of massage chairs cannot be achieved.

So, as a consumer who wants to choose a massage chair, you must pay attention to this aspect, so that the relaxation you want is realized properly. Massage chair manufacturers are also obliged to pay attention to this aspect of anthropometric measurements, for the convenience and safety of consumers while using massage chairs. In designing a massage chair, anthropometric measurements must be precise and accurate.

The Most Accurate Anthropometric Measuring Tool

The results of anthropometric measurements to design a massage chair must of course be accurate and precise. Therefore, a measuring instrument is needed that supports these accurate results. Here is a selection of the best measuring tools that can be used:

Portable Anthropometry Kit

Metrisis – Portable anthropometry by Solo Abadi Indonesia is an anthropometric measuring instrument derived from the anthropometric chair which is packaged in a portable form, with the aim that the measuring instrument can be moved or carried anywhere easily. Like an innovation, portable anthropometry can be used to measure up to more than 100 dimensions of the human body.

The function of this tool is to carry out anthropometric measurements that are carried out carefully and prioritize the accuracy of the data. This instrument offers measurement capabilities of up to 100 measurements. In addition, its portable form makes this tool can be used unlimited time and done anywhere.

Anthropometric kits from SOLO ABADI have been sent to various departments in Indonesia. Currently, 8 Portable Anthropometry kits from SOLO ABADI have been used, one of which is the Department of Medicine, Islamic University of Indonesia. The following are the details of the Anthropometry Portable Kit product.

Contact Us To Get Anthropometry Products

Get anthropometric measuring tools from Solo Abadi by filling in the ask for price feature available. You can also connect directly through our WhatsApp, because we are ready to contact you immediately.

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